Good News from 40 Days for Life!

A_Cross_of_Candle_Light40 Days for Life is beginning to wind down its second prayer vigil for the year. As we have said before, this is an opportunity for Christians to gather and pray that abortion will end in America.

Today, Shawn Carney–one of the organizers of 40 Days for Life–shared the following story from South Carolina,

“John, a 40 Days for Life volunteer, was praying outside the abortion center when a client stopped to ask him if he was the valet parking attendant. ‘No,’ he said, ‘but I’d like to talk to you before you go in there!’

The woman took him up on his offer and explained that she already had two children and she wasn’t sure she could handle a third. John talked to her, reassured her, and told her about the nearby pregnancy center that could help her with all of her concerns.

The woman went into the abortion center and returned 30 or 40 minutes later, proudly showing John her ultrasound and telling him that she had decided to keep her baby. John sent her on her way with the contact information for the pregnancy center.

All told, 40 Days for Life estimates about 300 babies have been saved from abortion in the past month because of volunteers like John. What a remarkable testimony!

If you would like to be part of 40 Days for Life in Arkansas, there is still time. Click here for details on prayer vigils in Little Rock and Fayetteville.

Photo By Wing-Chi Poon [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

The Slow Creep of Of Euthanasia

Eric Metaxas at the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview has released an alarming commentary on the steady increase of euthanasia in Europe.

According to researchers, euthanasia in Holland has risen 151% in seven years. Even more troubling is the rise in the number of dementia patients helped to die by their doctors.

Metaxas writes,

“Of course, all this is happening because people have swallowed the false worldview that we control our lives, and that our lives only have meaning if we’re happy and healthy and protected from suffering.

“But there’s a reason every Christian tradition condemns euthanasia and suicide. God is the author of life. Our lives—and our bodies—are not our own. We’re stewards of them. And every human life taken intentionally undermines the dignity of all human life. In other words, every life discarded is one more step down the slippery slope. We see it in the Netherlands. Let’s pray we don’t see it here.”

You can listen to Metaxas’ full commentary below or click here to read it online.

[audio:|titles=Eric Metaxas – Euthanasia and the Slippery Slope]

40 Days for Life Happening in Little Rock, Fayetteville

It’s time, once again, for another 40 Days for Life prayer vigil! 

40 Days for Life is a semiannual prayer vigil dedicated to ending abortion.

Each spring and fall, pro-life Americans gather outside abortion clinics all over the country to pray abortion will end. This is an excellent opportunity for you and your church to band with other Christians in prayer for unborn children and their mothers.

40 Days for Life 2014 is going on right now through November 2! Over the next month, Christians will take turns praying outside abortion clinics; in Arkansas, those clinics are located in Fayetteville and Little Rock.

Below are links to websites and Facebook pages where you can learn more about how to participate in 40 Days for Life. I hope you will join us in prayer that abortion will finally end.