Public Funds Paying for Abortions Under Obamacare


The following blog post is by Family Council staff member Luke McCoy.

Earlier today, the federal Government Accountability Office announced the Affordable Care Act (ACA), commonly known as Obamacare, is using taxpayer funds for abortion.

In 2009, Obamacare looked like it might not pass. A last-minute “compromise” promising to prevent public funding of abortion helped secure its passage, so you would think there would be no reason for concern, right? Wrong.


40 Days for Life 2014 Just Days Away!

A_Cross_of_Candle_LightIt’s time, once again, for another 40 Days for Life prayer vigil! 

40 Days for Life is a semiannual prayer vigil dedicated to ending abortion.

Each spring and fall, pro-life Americans gather outside abortion clinics all over the country to pray abortion will end. This is an excellent opportunity for you and your church to band with other Christians in prayer for unborn children and their mothers.

40 Days for Life 2014 starts September 24, and it goes through November 2. Christians will take turns praying outside abortion clinics; in Arkansas, those clinics are located in Fayetteville and Little Rock.

Below are links to websites and Facebook pages where you can learn more about how to participate in 40 Days for Life. I hope you will join us in prayer that abortion will finally end.

  • 40 Days for Life Little Rock – Website and Facebook PageKickoff meeting will take place this Sunday, September 21; prayer vigils will start September 24.
  • 40 Days for Life Fayetteville – Website and Facebook Page. Website and Facebook page include information on training sessions for participants. Kickoff rally will occur September 23, and prayer vigils will start September 24.

Photo Credit: Wing-Chi Poon [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Come to a Pro-Life Rally Next Week!

You are invited to a free pro-life rally next week!

On Friday, August 29, Family Council will join Family Research Council Action, Susan B. Anthony List, Concerned Women for America, and Students for Life of America for a pro-life rally in the Arkansas Capitol Building.

The rally will be held in the Rotunda of the State Capitol Building in Little Rock from 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.

The goal of the rally is to draw attention to the federal Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and urge Senators to support the bill and allow it to come up for a vote in the U.S. Senate.

This is commonsense, pro-life legislation that tracks closely with a law passed in Arkansas last year.

Confirmed speakers for the rally include Josh Duggar of Family Research Council Action; Jerry Cox of Family Council; and Laurie Lee of Susan B. Anthony List.

Click here to register for the event FOR FREE. If you have any questions about the rally, please call our office at (501) 375-7000. We hope to see you there!