Senate Bill Calls Abortion “Constitutional Right,” Invalidates State Laws

Late last year U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D – CT) introduced S. 1696, the so-called “Woman’s Health Protection Act of 2013.”

Recently, there has been a buzz about this bill and what it would do.

The bill purports to protect women’s health. In reality it invalidates state laws regarding abortion, names abortion a constitutional right, and opens the door for unsafe abortion practices. Here is how.

S. 1696 Would Likely…

S. 1696 would likely:

  • Overturn Arkansas’ ban on taxpayer-funded abortion;
  • Challenge Arkansas’ ban on partial-birth abortion;
  • Affect Arkansas’ “fetal-pain” law preventing abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy;
  • Undermine our informed-consent and parental-consent laws;
  • Prevent surgical abortions from being regulated in a sensible manner; and
  • Increase access to abortifacients, despite the fact chemical abortions carry significant health risks.

Additionally, the bill

  • Repeatedly describes abortion as a constitutional right; and
  • Fails to acknowledge abortion may be regulated to protect healthcare providers’ rights of conscience or religious convictions.

S. 1696 Calls Abortion “a Constitutional Right”


The Mind May Forget but the Heart Remembers

Brother Melvyn Amrine was a pastor and church planter in Little Rock, and across the country for many years.  Now 83, he was diagnosed with Altzheimer’s Disease about three years ago and usually spends his days sitting just inside the garage watching the world.  His wife of over 60 years, Doris, was inside preparing for a ladies prayer meeting and went out to check on him.  She was panicked when she found him gone.  She called her daughter who called the police and an alert was issued.

Mel was about two miles from home when he was spotted by Sergeant Brian Grigsby and Officer Troy Dillard.  He could not tell the officers where he lived but was adamant that he was going to get flowers for his wife for Mother’s Day the next day.  He had bought flowers for her every Mother’s Day since their first child was born.  The officers said they had no choice.  Mel was not going home.  He was going to get flowers for his wife.

The officers radioed in that they had found the missing man and would take him home.  But first they made a stop at Home Depot.  The flowers were not the right kind; Mel wanted cut flowers.  They went on down the street to Kroger where Mel knew exactly what he wanted.  When he stepped to the cashier to pay for the white roses, he did not have enough money.  Both officers reached for their wallets to pay the difference.  Officer Dillard was just a little quicker.

Doris and the ladies had been praying that Mel would be found and rejoiced when the call came that he would soon be home.  Doris, however, was not very happy that Mel had walked away.  But she said when she saw the officers and Mel and the flowers and his big smile coming up the walk, her heart broke with thanksgiving.   “It’s special, because even though the mind doesn’t remember everything, the heart remembers.” 

This touching story, already shared around the world, reveals the heart of a man with enduring love for his wife.  It also reveals the kind and caring hearts of two policemen who appear to find joy in helping.

John Stonestreet on Abortion and Why We Need Guilt

An abortion counselor recently filmed her own abortion and posted the video online. John Stonestreet at Breakpoint has some very good insight to share on this matter.

Stonestreet writes,

The video is silent about how this child was disposed of. All we hear about is Emily and how she feels so good and guilt-free about her decision. For the baby…it was just the opposite.

Listen to his full commentary below.

[audio:|titles=John Stonestreet – Why we need guilt.]