The “Brave” Choice

The following blog post is by Family Council staff member Christa Adams.

On July 7th the New York Times published an op-ed by Beth Matusoff Merfish in which she told the story of her family’s fight for “reproductive freedom” as well as her mother’s abortion. In the article Beth describes her mother’s decision to get an abortion when she was 20 as “brave” and “courageous.” She tells how proud she is of her mother for making the “freeing” decision to abort her first child.


Arkansas, One Step Ahead

Ending late-term abortions

The following post is by Family Council staff member Christa Adams.

When I opened my Facebook on Tuesday I noticed a very pro-choice relative of mine posted a link mentioning abortion where she commented, “hugely disappointing!”  I knew right then there was some good news in that link, and it was then I first learned that the U.S. House had passed the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.

While I was excited and proud of the U.S. House for making such a bold stand, I was even more proud of our Arkansas legislators for passing similar legislation earlier this year. The Arkansas law is already active thanks to an emergency clause included in the bill, and thus is already protecting future Arkansans.


Planned Parenthood CEO Contradicts Own Expert

The federal government is reversing positions on availability of so-called “emergency contraception” to children. Between new FDA rules and judicial decisions, young girls will be able to buy Plan-B without talking to a pharmacist, getting permission from a parent, or even consulting a doctor; all they have to do is grab a box off the shelf and take it to the drugstore’s cash register.

Planned Parenthood, unsurprisingly, is praising these new developments. There’s a problem, however. There’s seems to be conflict at Planned Parenthood over what emergency contraception actually does.
