Jerry Meets With Delegation From Republic of Georgia

A delegation from the Republic of Georgia visited Family Council on Thursday.

Family Council President Jerry Cox and Government Affairs Director Ken Yang spoke to the group about current issues such as abortion, same-sex marriage, and the attack on religious liberty in the U.S.

The members of the delegation appeared to be supportive of traditional marriage and pro-life. Jerry showed the group two framed letters from the wall of his office. The first was a personal letter from Bill Clinton in which he, as governor, promised to sign a pro-life bill Jerry had lobbied for. The other was a 1985 letter from President Ronald Reagan commending the pro-life work being done by Rob Shafer, Kevin McCray, Jerry, and others. The members of the delegation were visibly impressed by the Reagan letter.


Marriage: The Unsung Hero Against Poverty

There are four steps you can take in a specific order to reduce the chances your family will ever live in poverty. They are:

  1. Graduate from high school.
  2. Get married.
  3. Have children after you are married.
  4. Stay married.

If you do those four things in that order, the chances you and your children will live in poverty are reduced by 82%. If you go on to graduate from college, the chances drop even more drastically.


Another Midnight Bewitching Hour

The following is by Family Council staff member Deborah Beuerman.

 At 12:01am October 21, several same-sex couples in New Jersey were “married” after the state Supreme Court rejected Gov. Chris Christie’s request to delay until after his appeal of an earlier lower court ruling could be heard.

In September, a state court judge ruled that, in light of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling mandating that the federal government recognize same-sex “marriages,” New Jersey must allow them.  Gov. Christie appealed that decision and asked for a stay on it.

Gov. Christie has said that voters at the ballot box, not a court or legislators, should decide the issue.  But Gov. Christie dropped his legal challenge to a same-gender law on October 21.
