Hear No Evil

Gosnell's Clinic

The following blog post is from Family Council staff member Christa Adams.

The Kermit Gosnell trial has highlighted abortion over the past few months and forced many, including media outlets, politicians and pro-choice advocates, to look at the evil that has been allowed to persist in this nation.  Most have spent their lives averting their eyes and covering their ears to protect themselves from such gruesome tales, and when confronted with the grisly details they cover their mouths and refuse to speak up.


ADF: An Alarming Number of Abortions Happening on Taxpayers’ Dime

According to Alliance Defending Freedom, Minnesota taxpayers are footing the bill for an alarming number of abortions:

Minnesota can only use public funds for abortions that are defined as medically necessary, but government reporting statistics clearly demonstrate that tax dollars have paid for thousands of elective abortions for indigent women, including a disproportionate number performed on African-Americans.

From 1999 through 2011, Minnesota taxpayers paid for 47,095 abortions performed on indigent women, according to the Minnesota Department of Health. The data indicates that, at most, only 10,044 of these abortions were done for a “medically necessary” reason, meaning that the state paid for more than 37,000 unauthorized abortions. The statistics regarding the number of abortions performed on African-Americans also came from the Department of Health.

Read more here.