Guest Column: In Canada, ‘Right’ to Die Becomes Recommendation to Die

Last year, the Canadian government sanctioned the killing of 13,241 people by the euphemistically named Medical Assistance in Dying. MAiD accounted for 4.1% of all deaths in Canada in 2022 and is the fifth leading cause of death in that country. 

The slide down this slippery slope began by first legalizing doctor-assisted suicide for people facing “imminent death” and then expanding it step by step until it was available to virtually anyone who asks for it

In fact, now Canadians don’t even need to ask. Doctors and nurse practitioners there have been told they have a professional obligation to bring up the option of MAiD to any patients considered “eligible.” That kind of suggestion can sound an awful lot like a recommendation to someone struggling with whether or not to live. 

These numbers are just going up, and they will until enough Canadians refuse to participate in Canada’s culture of death. 

Copyright 2023 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.

Arkansas Named Most Pro-Life State in America for Fourth Year in a Row

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Little Rock, Ark. — On Wednesday Americans United for Life announced Arkansas is the most pro-life state in America for the fourth year in a row. The pro-life organization ranks all fifty states based on state laws protecting the unborn, the elderly, the disabled, and the terminally ill.

Family Council President Jerry Cox released a statement, saying, “Today Americans United for Life recognized the many pro-life laws and policies our state has enacted over the years. Arkansans should be proud of their state legislators for passing the best laws in the nation when it comes to protecting unborn children, the elderly, the disabled, and the terminally ill. That’s something to celebrate.”

Cox pointed out that most Arkansans are pro-life and do not support abortion on demand. “Long before Roe v. Wade was overturned, Arkansas’ abortion rate had plummeted to historic lows. Public opinion polling has shown for years that Arkansans do not support abortion on demand, and more than forty pregnancy resource centers around the state help women and girls with unexpected pregnancies. Arkansas is the nation’s most pro-life state, because Arkansans themselves are deeply pro-life.”

Cox noted that making Arkansas a pro-life state has taken a lot of work by many different people. “Arkansas Right to Life has been defending human life for over forty-five years, and Family Council has been at it for nearly thirty-five. Arkansas’ General Assembly has passed close to fifty good, pro-life measures since 2011. Ministers, churches, elected officials, pregnancy resource centers, and everyday Arkansans all have worked tirelessly to make Arkansas the pro-life state that it is today. Being pro-life is about much more than opposing abortion. Now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned and abortion in Arkansas is prohibited except to save the life of the mother, the pro-life movement in Arkansas has entered a new phase. We are shifting our focus to helping women and families with unexpected pregnancies, and we are making sure our laws respect and protect innocent human life at every stage from conception until natural death. We look forward to continuing that pro-life mission in 2024.”
