40 Days for Life Story from Little Rock

Today is Day 13 of 40 Days for Life. Pro-lifers across the country are gathering outside abortion clinics for peaceful prayer that abortion will end.

40 Days for Life posted the following story from Little Rock about a woman who decided not to have an abortion:

Little Rock, Arkansas

When a prayer volunteer first approached a young couple arriving for an abortion, the woman was quite hostile. But the volunteer didn’t give up. She kept talking – and it paid off.

The young woman said the man who’d driven her to the abortion center was the baby’s father. She didn’t want the abortion, but he was pressuring her. He gave her a handful of cash, then drove away.

“She was 14 weeks pregnant,” said Mary in Little Rock.

The young woman went inside . . . but came back out about 45 minutes later and smiled at the volunteer. She took the money, stuffed it in her pocket – and left.

There is still time for you to come out and pray as part of 40 Days for Life. You can find out about prayer vigils in Little Rock and Fayetteville by visiting 40DaysforLife.com.

Eric Metaxas on the Overpopulation Myth


In this short, 4-minute audio clip, Eric Metaxas with the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview shares exactly why overpopulation is a myth, and why those who espouse population control are ignoring important facts.

In the past, fears of overpopulation have been used to justify everything from abortion to limitations on family size and even sterilization of human beings.

Read a transcript of Metaxas’ comments and get more commentary from Breakpoint here.