Abortion in Arkansas is following a downward trend, based on numbers obtained from the Arkansas Department of Health’s office of Vital Records/Statistics. What’s more, 2012 was the lowest year for abortions in Arkansas since 1977.
The numbers show abortion in Arkansas has followed a definite pattern, rising during the 1970’s and 1980’s; peaking in the early to mid-1990’s; and declining from 1992 to 2012.
The abortion statistics from 1982 through 2012 are especially significant. From 1973 through 1981, the numbers only show part of the picture, as the Health Department only recorded abortions performed in Arkansas. The abortion numbers from 1982 through 2012 include abortions on Arkansas residents who crossed state lines to get an abortion.
Looking at those numbers specifically, a downward trend in abortion is visible.
Besides showing that abortion is on the decline in Arkansas, the Department of Health’s numbers tell us:
- Since 1973, more than 200,000 unborn children have been aborted in Arkansas.
- Since 1973, Arkansas has seen an average of 5,644 abortions each year.
- The number of abortions in Arkansas peaked in 1991, at 6,889.
- For the past ten years, the number of abortions performed on Arkansas residents has been below that annual average of 5,644.
Most importantly: These numbers would seem to confirm the tide of public opinion has shifted on abortion. Abortion in Arkansas is on the decline. It isn’t a thing of the past yet, but it is slowly heading that direction.
Below is a table showing the abortion figures for Arkansas from 1973 to 2012.