Senator Pryor Helps Kill Blunt Amendment

A bill known as “the Blunt Amendment” would have helped protect people’s religious liberties in the face of the HHS mandate requiring they purchase contraception coverage under Obamacare. Yesterday, Arkansas’ Senator Mark Pryor voted to kill the amendment.

I’m sure Senator Pryor is friends with some very devout Catholics. Senator Pryor and I have both sent sons to the same Catholic high school in Little Rock. I wonder what Father Tribou, Little Rock Catholic High School’s legendary school principal, would have to say, were he alive to learn the father of one of his students, a U.S. Senator, voted against something intended to protect religious liberty; given the fact that Father Tribou often stated his opinion very frankly to President Clinton, I’m sure he would want to speak with Senator Pryor about this matter.

Please call Senator Pryor’s office and express your concern over his unwillingness to stand up for Americans’ religious liberties. His office phone numbers are (501) 324-6336 (Little Rock) and (202) 224-2353 (Washington, D.C.).

Thank Senator Boozman

When you’re done talking to Senator Pryor, you can also call and thank Senator John Boozman for supporting the Blunt Amendment in yesterday’s vote. His phone numbers are (501) 372-7153 and (202) 224-4843.

Dutch Psychiatrists Hail Euthanasia as “Emancipation”

In an article posted last month, Dutch psychiatrists hail their ability to euthanize patients as “emancipation.”

“Assisted suicide, as a last resort in psychiatry, [has been] legally admissible since 2002, [and] recently legitimized in practice. The midwife [of] Death is now appropriate for psychiatric reach patients, representing an emancipation of the psychiatric patient and psychiatry itself.”

In other words, psychiatrists are no longer responsible for helping suicidal patients overcome their problems; they can now help them kill themselves instead–and that is ’emancipation.’

Dr. Del Tackett talks about “social insanity” in his worldview study The Truth Project. It’s what happens when a people drift so far from the Truth that they fail to recognize right and wrong in their most basic forms; they’re so far from reality, their entire society begins to accept the insane as good and moral.

I believe, unfortunately, that’s what we’re beginning to see in the Netherlands.

Read the entire article here.

Jason Tolbert: Rep. Smith “Steps in It”

Blogger Jason Tolbert posted an interesting article yesterday highlighting words from State Representative Garry Smith (D-Camden).

Rep. Smith was quoted as telling a Democratic group in El Dorado, “If Jesus were here today, he would be a Democrat because he tried to help everybody and he still does.” According to the article, he went on to say that “[The Republicans in Washington] don’t like Jesus.”
