Everyone Has Standing When Saving Lives

The following blog post is by Family Council staff member Ken Yang.

A little over a week ago, U.S. District Judge Susan Webber Wright denied a motion by Concepts of Truth, a Wynne-based pro-life organization, to intervene in the lawsuit over the “Arkansas Heartbeat Law.” Judge Wright ruled that the group could not prove it had a standing in the case. Yet, on behalf of two abortion doctors in Little Rock, Dr. Louis Jerry Edwards and Dr. Tom Tvedten, the American Civil Liberties Union of Arkansas and the Center of Reproductive Rights can proceed their march against saving lives of innocent children.


Woman Accuses Abortionist of Forcing and Botching Abortion

From Alliance Defending Freedom:

A woman represented by attorneys with Alliance Defending Freedom and the Family Policy Council of West Virginia filed suit Friday against Women’s Health Center of West Virginia and its abortionist, Rodney Lee Stephens, of Charleston. The woman, Itai Gravely, claims Stephens forced her to proceed with an abortion against her will and then left her baby’s head in her womb.

“A woman’s life and health is more important than an abortionist’s bottom line,” said Alliance Defending Freedom allied attorney Jeremiah Dys, president and general counsel of the Family Policy Council of West Virginia. “What Stephens and Women’s Health Center did to Itai is beyond the pale. She has been exposed to extraordinary cruelty, and her life was put in jeopardy.”

Read more here.

Concerns About Planned Parenthood Funding Under Medicaid Expansion

Family Council Concerned About Planned Parenthood Funding Under Medicaid Expansion

Thursday, June 13, 2013

On Thursday, Family Council President Jerry Cox expressed concerns over the possibility tax dollars might go to Planned Parenthood under Arkansas’ new expansion of Medicaid.

According to recent news reports, at least twenty-eight organizations—including Planned Parenthood—have applied for public dollars to hire a total of more than 600 new employees. These new employees will help Arkansans enroll in programs under the Affordable Care Act signed into law by President Obama. So far, twenty-seven nonprofits and other entities have been approved by the state to hire new employees, but Jerry Cox says he hopes Arkansas’ legislators will not make any abortion provider the twenty-eighth.
