How Many Geniuses Do We Abort Each Year?

You may have recently noticed we added an abortion counter to our website. It serves as a somber reminder of just how many children are lost to abortion each year. We based the numbers on some generally accepted abortion estimates: That 40 million abortions happen globally each year; 1 million of those occur in America; and roughly 5,000 occur in Arkansas.

Every three seconds, four children get aborted somewhere in the world. An American child gets aborted about every thirty seconds. And Arkansas loses one child every two hours, with roughly 13 – 14 abortions per day, 365 days a year. You have to stop and ask at some point just who it is we are aborting. How many of these children might otherwise grow up to become some of the best and brightest minds the world has ever known? Well, let’s see if we can find out.


Jason Tolbert: Rep. Smith “Steps in It”

Blogger Jason Tolbert posted an interesting article yesterday highlighting words from State Representative Garry Smith (D-Camden).

Rep. Smith was quoted as telling a Democratic group in El Dorado, “If Jesus were here today, he would be a Democrat because he tried to help everybody and he still does.” According to the article, he went on to say that “[The Republicans in Washington] don’t like Jesus.”
