States Bolster Funding for Pro-Life Pregnancy Resource Centers

Since the 2022 Dobbs decision reversing Roe v. Wade, state legislatures around the country have bolstered state funding for pregnancy help organizations that provide women with alternatives to abortion.

For years, pro-life states have provided publicly funded grants and subsidies for pregnancy resource centers that help women with unplanned pregnancies. Those efforts have accelerated in recent months.

In Ohio, lawmakers raised the state’s biannual budget for pregnancy resource centers this year from $6 million to $14 million.

In Tennessee this year, legislators appropriated $20 million for pro-life organizations that provide alternatives to abortion. Florida’s state budget allocates $30 million pregnancy help organizations.

Texas offers $100 million per biennium for its abortion alternatives program.

Kansas — where some 405 women from Arkansas had abortions in 2022 — will provide $2 million in funding for pregnancy centers during the coming budget cycle.

This year the Arkansas Legislature voted to provide $1 million in grant funding for pregnancy help organizations that offer women and families alternatives to abortion.

Many of these organizations provide everything from ultrasounds and pregnancy tests to maternity clothes and adoption referrals — typically free of charge. They often operate on very tight budgets and rely heavily on volunteers and donations.

Now that Roe v. Wade has been reversed and Arkansas has prohibited abortion except to save the life of the mother, we need to step up and help women with unplanned pregnancies.

Providing grant funding for pregnancy help organizations is part of our long term strategy to reduce the demand for abortion in Arkansas.

Oregon Expands Assisted-Suicide to Nonresidents Despite Obvious Flaws in State Law

Oregon will let nonresidents end their lives under the state’s assisted-suicide law, according to a bill that Gov. Tina Kotek signed on July 13. The new measure amends Oregon’s 1997 “Death With Dignity Act” that legalized physician-assisted suicide in the state. Going forward, non-residents will be able to travel to Oregon and receive a prescription for lethal drugs if they meet the other criteria in the assisted-suicide law.

Family Council has written repeatedly about the problems with Oregon’s assisted-suicide law over the years.

For example, since 1998, only 3% of assisted-suicide patients in Oregon were referred for psychiatric evaluation first.

That matters, because data from the Oregon Health Authority indicates the vast majority of terminally ill patients who want to end their lives under the state’s assisted-suicide law possibly are wrestling with some type of mental illness.

Over the past 25 years, more than 90% of the patients who inquired about assisted-suicide in Oregon said they were concerned about losing their autonomy because of their illness, and nearly 75% expressed worries about losing their dignity. Most did not express concerns about controlling their pain.

Patients who are lonely and feel like they are losing control over their lives need counseling and support — not a prescription for poisonous drugs.

That’s part of the reason why pro-lifers maintain that assisted-suicide actually robs patients of compassionate care.

In 2019 a Canadian man with ALS made headlines when he chose to take his own life under the country’s assisted suicide and euthanasia laws after the government chose not to provide him with 24-hour home healthcare services due to cost.

In parts of the U.S. where physician-assisted suicide is legal, insurance companies have refused to pay for patients’ medical care, but have offered to cover assisted-suicide drugs.

As Oregon expands its assisted-suicide laws, Arkansans should remember that being pro-life means believing human life is sacred from conception until natural death, and it means opposing the taking of human life without just cause.

Just like abortion, euthanasia and assisted-suicide are murder, and they violate the sanctity of human life.

Join Family Council in Little Rock on August 17 & 18 for the Foundations of Truth Summit, a worldview conference designed to equip and encourage Christians to engage their culture with a biblical worldview. Register here today!