Lawmakers File Over 450 Bills in One Day

capitol3-1Yesterday Arkansas’ lawmakers filed over 450 pieces of legislation ahead of the filing deadline.

Many of these bills were what we call “shell bills.” These are bills with little more than a title, like, “A Bill to Improve Public Education.” These bills may be amended later to flesh them out; we will keep an eye on them to see how they are amended.

However, several complete bills were filed. Below are a few you may want to know about.

A Bill Making Sexual-Orientation and Gender-Identity Protected Classes

Twenty-two years ago, the Arkansas Legislature passed the Arkansas Civil Rights Act of 1993. Over the years we have fought to make sure Arkansas’ civil rights and hate crimes laws are not used to promote a homosexual agenda.

House Bill 1950 by Rep. Leding makes sexual-orientation and gender-identity protected classes in the Arkansas Civil Rights Act of 1993—right alongside race, religion, national origin, gender, and disability.


Breaking Down the Committee Vote on Religious Freedom Legislation

HB1228RollCallVoteA few people have been asking how each senator on the Senate Judiciary Committee voted on House Bill 1228 (the religious freedom bill) yesterday.

The bill failed, with 3 senators voting for it; 3 voting against it; and 2 not voting. In order to make it out of committee, the bill needs 5 votes.

Here is a breakdown of the vote:

Senators Who Voted FOR The Bill

  • Sen. Jon Woods (R – Springdale)
  • Sen. Terry Rice (R – Waldron)
  • Sen. Linda Collins-Smith (R – Pocahontas)

Senators Who Voted AGAINST The Bill

  • Sen. David Johnson (D – Little Rock)
  • Sen. Joyce Elliott (D – Little Rock)
  • Sen. Linda Chesterfield, Vice-Chair (D – Little Rock)

Senators Who DID NOT Vote For or Against the Bill

  • Sen. David Burnett (D – Osceola)
  • Sen. Jeremy Hutchinson, Chair (R – Benton)

This bill can still be brought back up for a vote. Be sure to call your senator at (501) 682-2902, and ask him or her to support the religious freedom bill. You can also call Governor Hutchinson’s office at (501) 682-2345 and leave a message encouraging him to support the bill.

First Pro-Life Legislation of the Session Filed

Senator Missy Irvin and Representative Julie Mayberry have filed the first pro-life bills of the 2015 legislative session in Little Rock.

Senate Bill 53 and House Bill 1076 would require doctors performing a chemical abortion (using drugs such as RU-486) to be present during the procedure and make arrangements for a follow-up visit in the days after administering the drug.

Evidence from around the country suggests abortion-inducing drugs are increasingly being distributed without proper oversight from a doctor. This poses a serious threat to women’s health.

Abortion advocates often say abortion ought to be safe, legal, and rare. SB53 and HB1076 would help abortionists abide by that mantra and would curtail the proliferation of abortion-inducing drugs.