Arkansas Governor Signs Bill That Will Help Protect Victims of Botched Abortions

Rep. Bentley presents S.B. 527 to the Arkansas House of Representatives on April 12.

On Tuesday Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson signed pro-life measure S.B. 527 into law.

It is now Act 740 of 2021.

This good law by Sen. Ben Gilmore (R – Crossett) and Rep. Mary Bentley (R – Perryville) requires abortion facilities to have transfer agreements with hospitals to handle complications from abortion.

Act 740 is similar to a Kentucky law that has been upheld in court.

Abortion carries a number of serious risks — including risk of laceration, hemorrhaging, and death. That’s why it is important for state law to protect women from dangerous abortion procedures.

We have written repeatedly about ambulances sighted at the surgical abortion facility in Little Rock over the years.

Act 740 is a good law that will help protect women from botched abortions and life-threatening complications from dangerous abortion procedures.

Arkansas Legislature Passes Bill Restricting Abortion Facilities

On Tuesday the Arkansas House of Representatives passed S.B. 388.

This good bill by Sen. Charles Beckham (R – McNeil) and Rep. Joe Cloud (R – Russellville) requires any facility that performs abortions to be licensed by the Arkansas Department of Health as an abortion facility.

S.B. 388 also prohibits abortions in hospitals except in cases of medical emergency.

The bill previously passed the Arkansas Senate with strong support.

Under current law, clinics are not required to be licensed or inspected as abortion facilities unless they perform more than ten abortions in a month.

That means that a clinic potentially could perform upwards of 100 or more abortions per year without being licensed or inspected by the State of Arkansas as an abortion facility.

S.B. 388 addresses this loophole in Arkansas law.

This bill will make it easier for the Arkansas Department of Health to enforce the good, pro-life laws that lawmakers have implemented over the years. It will ensure that every clinic that performs abortions is licensed and inspected, and that Arkansas’ laws against abortion are properly followed.

S.B. 388 will make it easier for the Arkansas Department of Health to identify and shutdown facilities performing occasional abortions if the facilities aren’t complying with Arkansas’ other pro-life laws.

This is a really good bill. It now goes to the governor to become law.

Arkansas Legislature Passes Measure Establishing Day of Prayer for Arkansas’ Students

Rep. Cooper presents S.B. 662 in the Arkansas House of Representatives.

On Tuesday the Arkansas House of Representatives passed S.B. 662.

This good bill by Sen. Ricky Hill (R – Cabot), Sen. Missy Irvin (R – Mountain View), and Rep. Cameron Cooper (R – Romance) establishes the last Wednesday of September as a Day of Prayer for Arkansas Students every year.

The bill unanimously passed the Arkansas Senate already.

S.B. 662 calls on the citizens to “pray, meditate, or otherwise reflect upon” students, teachers, school administrators, and schools across the state. It is similar to a law in Kentucky.

It’s a really simple bill, but it’s a really good measure that does a lot.

It now goes to the governor to become law.

Read S.B. 662 Here.