Federal Government Investigating Assault Complaint Rising Out of GA School’s Bathroom Policy

In the past few years a number of public schools and private corporations have adopted policies letting men enter women’s locker rooms, shower facilities, changing areas, and restrooms.

The policies largely have been pushed by transgender activists and their allies.

We have written many times about how letting men enter women’s restrooms — and vice versa — violates privacy and puts women and children at risk. Now the federal government has opened an investigation into whether or not a kindergartner in Georgia was sexually assaulted because of one of these policies.

Our friends at Alliance Defending Freedom write,

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights has announced that it will investigate a complaint that Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys, along with a local family law attorney, filed against the City Schools of Decatur on behalf of a kindergartener who was sexually assaulted in her school bathroom. The complaint explains that the school’s new transgender restroom policy opened the door to the assault of a 5-year-old female student by a boy in the girls’ restroom at her elementary school.

The Federalist reports a boy who identifies as “gender fluid” allegedly assaulted the girl after he was allowed to enter the girls’ restroom at school due to a district-wide policy allowing students to use whatever bathroom they feel is “correct.”

The Obama Administration tried to coerce public schools into adopting policies letting boys enter girls’ locker rooms and restrooms at school, but the Trump Administration has issued new guidelines effectively saying bathroom policies are up to state and local officials.

All of this underscores the need for state legislation protecting the privacy and safety of women and girls.

UCA in Conway Plans Drag Show, Other Events for “LGBTQIA History Month”

Recently our office was forwarded an email announcement from the University of Central Arkansas promoting a number of events in celebration of “LGBTQIA History Month.”

Among other things, a drag show is scheduled in the university’s student amphitheater tomorrow afternoon, and UCA students are being offered transportation to Little Rock Pride Fest later this month.

It’s deeply troubling that a state university that receives taxpayer funding would promote radical LGBT ideology to college students by hosting and participating in events like these.

Below is a copy of the announcement we received.

October is LGBTQIA History Month and the following events have been planned:

Tuesday, October 9th – Drag Show. Student Center Amphitheater. – 1:30 pm -2:30 pm.
Post Drag Show Cool Down – Student Center 223. 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Wednesday, October 10th-Coming Out Day: Show Your Pride – Student Center Lobby- 10:00am-2:00pm

Thursday, October 18th – UCA Pride Walk. Crafton Alumni Pavilion to steps of Old Main- 1:40-2:30 pm.

Saturday, October 20th – Bus ride to Little Rock Pride Fest. E-mail diversity@uca.edu by October 18th to reserve your seat with First and Last name plus UCA ID Number. Details about the departure location will be sent with your confirmation e-mail – 11:00 am – 5:00 pm.

Tuesday, October 23rd. – The Coming Out Process. Student Health Center 307- 1:40 -2:30 pm. Hear from a panel of diverse students about their coming out experience.

Photo By Jljgates [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], from Wikimedia Commons