A Few FAQ About the Arkansas Voter’s Guide

Family Council has published the Arkansas Voter’s Guide every election year since 1990. We survey the candidates, and we publish their responses in print and online.

Each year we get a few common questions about the Arkansas Voter’s Guide. Below are answers to some of those frequently asked questions.

1. Is the Arkansas Voter’s Guide something that only conservative voters will find useful?

Answer: No. The Arkansas Voter’s Guide deals with a wide variety of issues impartially. Our goal is (and always has been) to produce a resource that tells voters in plain and simple terms where candidates stand on the issues. It’s up to voters to decide whether they agree or disagree with the candidates’ positions on the issues.

2. Are the issues covered in the Arkansas Voter’s Guide issues Family Council cares about?

Answer: Not necessarily. We survey candidates on hot-button issues that we believe voters care about. Some of the issues covered in the Arkansas Voter’s Guide down through the years are issues Family Council has barely even talked about, much less taken a position on. The Arkansas Voter’s Guide is not meant merely to inform Family Council where candidates stand on issues. It’s meant to inform voters where candidates stand regarding the issues that matter most to them. (more…)

U.S. Supreme Court Kicking the Can Down the Road

The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear appeals over state marriage amendments defining marriage as the union of one man to one woman in five states. This means lower court rulings overturning the amendments will be allowed to stand.

Some of the activists who want to redefine marriage are treating this as a victory. The truth is all the court is doing is kicking the can a little further down the road.

As you probably know, federal judges around the country have issued rulings on state laws prohibiting same-sex marriage. Several judges have declared these laws unconstitutional; recently, however, a federal judge in Louisiana upheld the state’s marriage amendment.


Only 5,600 Printed Arkansas Voter’s Guides Remain

capitol3-1We’ve been telling you past few weeks about the high demand for printed copies of the Arkansas Voter’s Guide this year.

So far we have given away over 85,000 copies of the guide. Not counting a few thousand copies we are keeping in reserve as the election approaches, we have about 5,600 printed copies of the Arkansas Voter’s Guide left in our office.

Supplies are running out. If you have not already ordered printed copies of the Arkansas Voter’s Guide, please do so right away.

We have said over and over again: The Arkansas Voter’s Guide is great for passing around among friends and neighbors, sharing with family  members, and distributing at work or church. The guide is nonpartisan, and should be useful to any Arkansan who wants to know more about the candidates before casting a vote.

You can see the guide online at www.ArkansasVotersGuide.com, and you can order printed copies of the guide absolutely free by clicking here or calling our office at (501) 375-7000.

In a typical day, we may receive orders for anywhere from 2,000 – 5,000 copies of the guide, so I suspect we will be out of printed copies of the Arkansas Voter’s Guide very soon. Don’t wait to order yours. Click here or call our office at (501) 375-7000.