Arkansas Justice Institute Helps Schools Navigate Religious Freedom

Letter to School Districts

The Arkansas Justice Institute, a division of Family Council, has launched a summer campaign to help Arkansas public school districts deal with groups that oppose religious freedom.

Everyone knows that schools have been a religious liberty battleground since 1962 when the Supreme Court declared school-sponsored prayer off-limits. Over 50 years later the lines are still being drawn.


School Cancels Graduation Over Prayer Controversy

Riverside School District has canceled sixth grade graduation ceremonies following a threatening letter received from the Freedom From Religion Foundation out of Wisconsin.

The letter alleges that student-lead prayer at graduation ceremonies is unconstitutional, and threatens to file suit against the school if the prayer is permitted.

This marks yet another run-in Arkansas schools have had with the Freedom From Religion Foundation, and another instance of the group using threatening letters to try to squelch religious expression.

Watch the news story here.