FRC: Obama Administration Opposing Religious Speech

The following is a press release received from the Family Research Council.

CONTACT: J.P. Duffy or Darin Miller, (866) FRC-NEWS or (866) 372-6397

Obama Administration’s Opposition to Religious Freedom Amendment Demonstrates Complicity in Pentagon’s Religious Speech Scandal
June 12, 2013

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Earlier today, the Obama administration issued a statement of administration policy saying it “strongly objects” to Rep. John Fleming’s religious freedom amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act. Fleming’s (R-La.) amendment was approved last week by the House Armed Services Committee in response to the growing and open hostility toward religious expression by service members.


Sign Up for Pulpit Freedom Sunday 2013

Your Church Can Sign Up for Pulpit Freedom Sunday 2013

Pulpit Freedom Sunday is a movement of pastors boldly preaching biblical truth on the cultural, social, and political issues of the day.

Pulpit Freedom Sunday started in 2008 as a challenge to the Johnson Amendment. Since 1954, the Johnson amendment has unconstitutionally empowered the government to decide what a pastor can and cannot say from the pulpit; and it has bee intimidating pastors into silence on issues they might otherwise have addressed from Scripture. That is changing. Last year over 1,600 pastors nationwide participated in Pulpit Freedom Sunday—and this year that number will surely grow–as this year Pulpit Freedom Sunday is all about marriage.
