NPR Poll: Americans Favor Age Restrictions on Morning-After Pill

In a new poll out by NPR, 65% of Americans surveyed said availability of the morning-after pill (also called “Plan B” or “emergency contraception) should depend on some sort of age-limit.

According to the poll, 20.8% of respondents believe a girl should be at least 15 to obtain the morning-after pill without a prescription; 34.9% said she should be at least 18; and 9.2% said a woman should be at least 21 before she can obtain it.

Only 18.3% said the morning-after pill should be available regardless of age, and 16.7% said that if the drug is going to be available without a minimum age, a prescription should be required in order to purchase it.

Additionally, 66.4% said if the morning-after pill is available to minors without a prescription, parents should have to give their permission before the drug is sold to their child.

What is commonsense to most Americans — age restrictions, prescriptions, and parental consent — is not commonsense to the federal government, however. The FDA has moved the morning-after pill out from behind the pharmacist’s counter; it now can be purchased by anyone at any age without the involvement of a parent, doctor, or other medical professional.

Students for Life has documented how this situation puts young girls in danger. Watch the video they produced earlier this year here.

Read the full NPR poll here.

NYC Schools Offer Morning-After Pill Without Notifying Parents

As reported by FOX News, the New York City Department of Education is “providing morning-after pills and other birth control drugs to students at 13 city high schools.”

The morning-after pill, also known as Plan B, is touted as a form of “emergency contraception.” The truth about Plan B, however, is that it’s an abortion pill. Read more about it here.

What’s worse is that school nurses “can reportedly dispense ‘Plan B’ emergency contraception and other oral or injectable birth control to girls as young as 14 without telling their parents — unless the parents opt out of the program after receiving a school letter informing them of the new policy.”

The New York City Department of Education shouldn’t be implementing this program at all, but the department should have at least brought parents into the discussion before moving forward. Notifying parents after the fact is wrong. Furthermore, dispensing Plan B to minors without parental consent should be illegal. There are already many states that outlaw performing abortions on minors without parental consent, and since Plan B is an abortion pill, it should be treated the same way.