Eric Metaxas on the Overpopulation Myth


In this short, 4-minute audio clip, Eric Metaxas with the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview shares exactly why overpopulation is a myth, and why those who espouse population control are ignoring important facts.

In the past, fears of overpopulation have been used to justify everything from abortion to limitations on family size and even sterilization of human beings.

Read a transcript of Metaxas’ comments and get more commentary from Breakpoint here.

Arizona Appeals 9th Circuit Ruling on 20-Week Abortion Law

Last May the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals declared an Arizona law banning non-emergency abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy unconstitutional.

The court stated the law violates legal precedent barring the state from prohibiting abortion prior to viability. Many constitutional law experts do not believe the issue is as cut-and-dry as the Ninth Circuit made it out to be, and the ruling has now been appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.


Outlook on Shutdown Depends on How You See Obamacare

The federal government is “shut down” today.

I use the words “shut down” somewhat loosely, because most Americans won’t be able to tell the government is closed unless they try to get into some place like Yosemite National Park or tour a NASA facility. Only the “non-essential” government personnel are absent today, and it seems the federal government considers most of its employees pretty essential.

Heritage Foundation wrote this morning that the media buzz over the government shutdown has approached “Y2K proportions.” How you see the shutdown, however, largely depends on one thing: How you see Obamacare.
