Sign Up for Pulpit Freedom Sunday 2013

Your Church Can Sign Up for Pulpit Freedom Sunday 2013

Pulpit Freedom Sunday is a movement of pastors boldly preaching biblical truth on the cultural, social, and political issues of the day.

Pulpit Freedom Sunday started in 2008 as a challenge to the Johnson Amendment. Since 1954, the Johnson amendment has unconstitutionally empowered the government to decide what a pastor can and cannot say from the pulpit; and it has bee intimidating pastors into silence on issues they might otherwise have addressed from Scripture. That is changing. Last year over 1,600 pastors nationwide participated in Pulpit Freedom Sunday—and this year that number will surely grow–as this year Pulpit Freedom Sunday is all about marriage.


How Many Letters?

The following blog post is from Family Council staff member Sarah Bean.

Back when I was a kid I didn’t really know anything about homosexuality; I guess I was either pretty sheltered or the homosexual movement wasn’t “out” as a whole.  But things have changed significantly in my lifetime.

Most of us are aware of this subject.  It is all over the media and politics.  I can’t turn on the TV without seeing commercials or shows that openly support a homosexual lifestyle.

The verdict is still out on homosexuality: Both sides say they are winning, but my question is: We keep adding “letters” to this issue. When does it stop?
