Now is the Time to Order Printed Copies of the Arkansas Voter’s Guide!

Last week we received 75,000 fresh copies of the Arkansas Voter’s Guide from the printer’s office. This morning we shipped nearly 10,000 copies of the guide to voters and churches all over the state.

We are working hard to give away as many copies of the guide as we can. If you have not ordered your free copy of the Arkansas Voter’s Guide, now is an excellent time to do so.

Early voting starts next week, so now is the time to find out where candidates stand on important issues. Click here to order.

You can see the Arkansas Voter’s Guide online at, and you can click here to request printed copies of our nonpartisan guide (free of charge) for you, your friends and family, your church, your Sunday school class, your Bible study group–whoever!

If you have any questions about the guide, feel free to give us a call at (501) 375-7000.

ADF: Court Can’t Change These 3 Truths About Marriage

Our friends at Alliance Defending Freedom have published a list of three truths the courts cannot change about marriage.

ADF writes,

  • Marriage is creative. The union of man and woman has the inherent potential to create and raise children, and that is what makes marriage a unique relationship. Only male-female relationships can produce children, and having parents committed to each other and their children is best for children. A woman can be a great mom, but she can never be a dad, and a great dad can never be a mom.
  • Marriage is our foundation.  As the Supreme Court has previously stated, marriage is “fundamental to the very existence and survival of the [human] race.” Zablocki v. Redhail, 434 U.S. 374, 384 (1978). The lifelong, faithful union of husband and wife promotes durable families for the common good today and for future generations.
  • Marriage is our future. It “is an institution, in the maintenance of which . . . the public is deeply interested, for it is the foundation of the family and of society, without which there would be neither civilization nor progress,” according to the Supreme Court in Maynard v. Hill, 125 U.S. 190, 211 (1888). Marriage is progressive – it ensures that our civilization will not only continue by producing future generations, but also that those future generations will be best prepared to become good citizens and contribute to a healthy, thriving society.

When courts try to unilaterally redefine marriage, they compromise the benefits of marriage. ADF also lists three things we can all do to support marriage in society.

Click here to read more.

Classic Chuck Colson Commentary as Relevant Today as Ever

The Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview has re-released one of Chuck’s classic Breakpoint commentaries. Chuck’s words are as relevant today as ever.

In his commentary Chuck describes how, if we look at history, ancient, pagan sexual practices degraded and endangered women and children. He notes how Judaism’s (and Christianity’s) practice of confining sexual activity to between a married husband and wife was revolutionary at the time, and how it advanced the rights of women and children.

Chuck writes,

“Before the Jews were placed in the Ancient Near East, the pagan world was already a sexual free-for-all that debased women, boys, and religion itself in the service of male lust. Every aspect of life was sexualized. The pagan gods engaged in no-holds-barred sex, and so did the people. Homosexuality had almost unquestioned acceptance in the ancient world. …

“Not surprisingly, then, women were relegated to the sidelines, important for giving birth and running the home, but not important as real and equal partners to men, who had other sexual options — with boys and other men.

“That’s why Judaism’s claim that God created sex only for a man and a woman in marriage was so revolutionary — and despised by ancient pagans and modern pagans I might add as well.”

You can read Chuck’s entire commentary here or listen to it below.

[audio:|titles=Chuck Colson – Judaism’s Sexual Revolution]