Pew Study: No ‘Gender Gap’ on Roe v. Wade

A recently released joint study by Pew Research Center for the People & the Press and the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion & Public Life has found there is no significant gender gap when it comes to the issue of abortion.

“There is no gender gap in opinions about Roe v. Wade,” the study said. “Nearly identical percentages of women (64%) and men (63%) oppose reversing the decision.”

Despite the fact a little over 60% of respondents oppose overturning Roe v. Wade, 47% of respondents said abortion is morally wrong; only 13% said it is morally acceptable to have an abortion; and 27% said it is not a moral issue.

Women were actually more likely to say abortion is immoral than men, with 49% of women saying abortion is morally wrong as opposed to 45% of men. Only 10% of women said abortion is morally acceptable as opposed to 16% of men.

This would seem contrary to the “war on women” so many have talked about in recent months, which tends to characterize women as being overwhelmingly pro-choice. This study seems to indicate women are more likely to say abortion is immoral, and less likely embrace it as the right thing to do.

The study also found young people are least aware of Roe v. Wade and what the decision does.

You can read the entire study here.

Arkansas Moves from Fifth to Fourth on List of Pro-Life States


Friday, January 18, 2013

Family Council President Jerry Cox released a statement Friday celebrating the announcement Americans United for Life ranked Arkansas the fourth most pro-life state in the nation. This is up from fifth place in 2012.

“I’m proud to be an Arkansan for a lot of reasons,” Cox said. “This is just one more.”


Representative Mayberry Files First Pro-Life Bill of Session

Rep. Andy Mayberry (R-Hensley) has filed the first pro-life bill of the session.

H.B. 1037, also known as the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, prohibits abortion once an unborn child is capable of feeling pain—roughly twenty weeks into a pregnancy—except to save the life of the mother or prevent “substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function.”

The bill has more than fifty sponsors in the House of Representatives, meaning if it makes it out of the House Public Health Committee, it is bound to pass the entire House.
