House Rules Stifling the Voice of the People

If you call the Capitol Building to leave a message for representatives serving in the Arkansas House, you may be in for a surprise. There’s a new rule at the Capitol: You can only leave a message for the representative from your district.

Now, that may not come as a surprise to some, but two years ago you could leave messages for multiple representatives at a time—or for any representative you wanted. That’s changed now. And some may wonder why that’s a big deal—after all, a representative from Pine Bluff wasn’t elected by voters in Fayetteville. Well, there are five good reasons why it’s important for Arkansans to be able to communicate with any representative in the Arkansas House of Representatives.

Oral Arguments for the Adoption and Foster Care Act Tomorrow

Wednesday, March 17, 2011

On Thursday, March 17, at 9 a.m. the Arkansas Supreme Court will hear oral arguments for Act 1, the Arkansas Adoption and Foster Care Act.

“We’ve said all along that this issue is about child welfare,” said Family Council Action Committee President Jerry Cox. “We are confident that the Arkansas Supreme Court will rule in favor of keeping Act 1 part of Arkansas law.”

In 2008, Arkansas voters passed Act 1—a law that prevents foster or adoptive children from being place in cohabiting homes—by 57-percent of the vote.

Family Council Action Committee is a conservative 501(c)(4) organization based in Little Rock, Arkansas.


Updated: Emergency Pro-Life Day

Monday we told you the House Public Health Committee needs to hear from you. They have seven pro-life bills pending before their committee, and every one of those bills needs a lot of support and a good vote.

Today we’re announcing an emergency Pro-Life Day at the Capitol Building in Little Rock Tuesday, March 22, from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Come to the Capitol to lobby the members of the House Public Health Committee, and ask them to vote for all seven of the pro-life bills pending before their committee. These bills could fail if Arkansans do not make their voices heard. I hope you will be able to join us for Pro-Life Day this Tuesday, as we lobby for the passage of these bills. Please call our office at (501) 375-7000 for more information.

Below is a list of the bills we will be lobbying.
