What Parents (Don’t) Want from Disney

Disney has had a rough year. First came Turning Red, a film that lost the company $168 million dollars. In March, there was the dustup with Ron DeSantis over Florida’s so-called “Don’t Say Gay” bill. Then there was Lightyeara summer box office failure, whose star boldly predicted that parents concerned with the film’s LGBTQ agenda would soon “die off like the dinosaurs.”  With market shares slumping, Disney recently fired CEO Bob Chapek and replaced him with his predecessor, Bob Iger. Writing for WORLD Opinions, Samuel D. James summed it up nicely:   

Whether or not its stock improves, the company has to reckon with the fact that stuffing children’s entertainment with sexual revolution shibboleths is bad for the bottom line. … As the world’s foremost creator of children and family entertainment, Disney’s LGBT signaling feels invasive in a way that typical Hollywood liberalism does not.  

Maybe it’s time for Disney to listen to the words of a particularly wise old baboon. “The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.”

Copyright 2024 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from BreakPoint.org with permission.

In the British Isles, Priests Shock the Public With the Truth

Recently, a visiting priest in Kerry, Ireland, spoke clearly about sexuality and gender during his homily. Of transgenderism and same-sex sexual activity, he stated, “That is sinful. That is a mortal sin.” He then described the power and possibility of forgiveness. In response, the Irish Mirror called his message “bizarre.” The Bishop of Kerry apologized, saying that Sean Sheehy’s views “do not represent the Christian position.”

Except of course, they do. Unlike those of at least five bishops in the Church of England, who called this month for same-sex marriage ceremonies to be officiated in the Church.  

In response, Calvin Robinson, another “shocking priest”—so shocking the Church of England wouldn’t ordain him—boldly reminded them that “Christ will not fit into your box” of re-interpreting Scripture. 

Culture is most powerful in what it normalizes, and when lies are normalized, the truth becomes shocking. Thank God for Christian ministers willing to “shock” and speak truth. 

Copyright 2024 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from BreakPoint.org with permission.

Color of Chaos

In the age of the internet, it is said that no parody is too ridiculous for at least someone to take seriously. These days, however, the opposite is true too. Serious content can seem like parody.

For example, Microsoft’s new “pride flag” background features hundreds of bars of random color interspersed with symbols burst from the center of the image like a psychedelic trip through hyperspace. The company boasts that it combines the flags of “40 LBGTQIA+ communities” and that it is an open template to which anybody can add more colors and symbols.

Transgender, “genderfluid,” “abrosexual,” “polysexual,” and “genderflux” are just a few of the identities represented, and “chaos” is a good description of the ideology behind them all. Many have nothing in common except for a rejection of the created sexes and marriage.

Just like an ideology that affirms everything, a flag that affirms everyone’s ideas about gender and the body ends in self-parody and as a source of headaches.

Copyright 2024 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from BreakPoint.org with permission.