U.S. to Ban Certain Products Made by Slave Labor in Xinjiang

John Stonestreet, Radio Host and President of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview.

Last week the Department of Homeland Security announced it is “cracking down” on products produced by forced labor in China’s Xinjiang province, “where the Chinese government is engaged in systemic human rights abuses against the Uyghur people.”

Among the products being seized and banned are computer parts and cotton products. And this time the DHS is naming names, like Hifei Bitland and Xinjiang Junggar Cotton and Linen Co., along with other hair and apparel product companies.

This is important news. For one thing, it means the Administration is enforcing Tariff Act provisions prohibiting the import of products made with forced labor. For another, it’s a clear signal to the Chinese Communist regime that it cannot get away scot-free with its genocidal persecution of its Muslim Uighur minority.

Let’s hope that other nations follow suit and bring economic pressure to bear on China. It may be the only way to get China to change its ways.

Copyright 2020 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from BreakPoint.org with permission.

Funding Planned Parenthood

John Stonestreet, Radio Host and President of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview.

As the election looms closer, Christians should know both why they should vote and how to think through candidates and issues.

At the very top of the list is the sanctity of human life. The Trump administration has taken clear steps to protect the unborn—from judges appointed to executive actions to showing up at the March for Life. Yet, it is still true that Planned Parenthood, as LiveAction President Lila Rose recently tweeted, “under the Trump Administration . . . receives more money today than they did under the Obama administration. It’s time to hold [Planned Parenthood] accountable for their crimes against children.”

Planned Parenthood officials have admitted under oath that they participate in partial birth abortion and the sale of body parts—both federal crimes . We must let the administration know that any tax dollars going their direction is simply unnacceptable.

And we must press pro-life candidates on how they plan to end abortion funding.

Copyright 2020 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from BreakPoint.org with permission.

Disney Ignores Uighur Genocide, Films Mulan in Xinjiang

John Stonestreet, Radio Host and President of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview.

In the closing credits of the just-released live-action movie “Mulan,” Disney thanks four Communist Party propaganda departments and a public security bureau in Xinjiang.

This is the same Disney corporation that said it would “find it difficult” to film movies in Georgia because of the state’s pro-life fetal heartbeat law. Yet, not only did they have no such reservations about filming a significant portion of the film in Xinjiang province, which is “ground zero” for China’s savage persecution of its Muslim Uighur population, (include putting over a million in concentration camps), it specifically thanked “organizations that are facilitating (these) crimes against humanity.”

While China’s brutal dictatorship clearly doesn’t care about world opinion, too much of world opinion clearly cares about China, or at least in Disney’s case, Chinese money. While Japan, India and corporations like Apple have taken a stand and moved business out of China, Disney chose to give Beijing a big win.

Copyright 2020 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from BreakPoint.org with permission.

Featured Photo Credit: Five Stars by Slices of Light, on Flickr.