Pro-Lifers Mobilize to Oppose Planned Parenthood in Rogers

Above: A pro-life, mobile pregnancy resource unit sits next door to a facility Planned Parenthood recently acquired in Rogers. Mobile units like this one give women options besides abortion.

Recently Family Council reported that Planned Parenthood has worked to acquire a facility in Rogers that could be used to perform abortions.

It is unknown at this time when Planned Parenthood might start using the new facility.

Since then, pro-lifers in Northwest Arkansas have begun mobilizing to oppose Planned Parenthood and its pro-abortion agenda.

On Monday pro-lifers in Northwest Arkansas sent Family Council photographs of a mobile pregnancy resource unit parked next door to Planned Parenthood’s new facility.

The mobile unit offers free ultrasounds and other resources that help women choose options besides abortion.

Loving Choices Pregnancy Centers operates the mobile unit and reports on its website that the unit will be located near Planned Parenthood every Thursday.

Our team also has spoken with pro-lifers who are preparing to pray outside the new Planned Parenthood facility in the coming weeks.

Above: The Loving Choices Pregnancy Centers’ mobile unit. In the background is a clinical facility Planned Parenthood recently acquired in Rogers.

Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider. The organization currently operates a chemical abortion facility in Little Rock. It previously operated an abortion facility in Northwest Arkansas until the summer of 2019.

The group’s political action committee has been active in recent legislative races.

Prior to 2015, Planned Parenthood received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the State of Arkansas via Medicaid.

And Planned Parenthood currently is working with the ACLU to block Arkansas from enforcing pro-life legislation that passed earlier this year.

If you would like to be part of the effort to oppose abortion in Northwest Arkansas, contact the Northwest Arkansas Respect Life Council at

Is Planned Parenthood Opening an Abortion Facility in Rogers?

Above: The facility in Rogers that Planned Parenthood may have acquired. (Google Street View, Captured June 2019. Used in accordance with Fair Use).

On Wednesday afternoon Family Council learned that Planned Parenthood may have acquired a facility in Rogers, Arkansas.

Planned Parenthood operated an abortion facility in Fayetteville, Arkansas, for several years until its landlord reportedly opted not to renew the abortion giant’s lease in the summer of 2019.

Planned Parenthood initially issued statements saying it would reopen in the Northwest Arkansas area soon. However, the facility has remained closed ever since.

On Wednesday, Family Council learned that Planned Parenthood may have acquired a former medical clinic at 1222 West Poplar Street in Rogers.

According to records from the Benton County Assessor’s Office, the facility is owned by a company called 12 Redacre LLC. However, 12 Redacre LLC’s mailing address — 4401 W 109th St, STE 200, Overland Park, KS 66211 — matches the mailing address for the Planned Parenthood Great Plains regional affiliate office.

County tax records also indicate that 12 Redacre LLC listed Planned Parenthood’s address when it paid taxes on the property last April.

This would seem to indicate that Planned Parenthood is tied to 12 Redacre LLC — and to the facility in Rogers.

Because the facility is a former medical clinic, it stands to reason that it could be used as an abortion facility.

Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider, and it has a long history of working in Arkansas.

The organization currently operates a chemical abortion facility in Little Rock.

The group’s political action committee has been active in recent legislative races.

Prior to 2015, Planned Parenthood received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the State of Arkansas via Medicaid.

And Planned Parenthood currently is working with the ACLU to block Arkansas from enforcing pro-life legislation that passed earlier this year.