Conway Gets Arkansas’ Fifth Safe Haven Baby Box

On Wednesday pro-lifers in Conway unveiled Arkansas’ fifth Safe Haven Baby Box. The box is located at Central Fire Station #1.

Arkansas’ Safe Haven Act of 2001 lets a woman surrender her newborn baby to law enforcement, medical personnel, and first responders. The law gives women an option besides abortion.

Similar laws are on the books in all 50 states.

Safe Haven Baby Boxes installed at fire stations let women surrender an infant safely and anonymously using a specialized, hospital-grade bassinet designed to keep the baby secure while notifying the first responders inside the fire station that the baby is there.

There are currently 75 Safe Haven Baby Boxes in operation nationwide — including five in Arkansas.

Since June of 2019, Arkansas Right to Life has promoted Arkansas’ Safe Haven Act and the Safe Haven Baby Boxes through a billboard campaign.

So far, billboards have been placed in 21 counties. Arkansas Right to Life’s goal is to place billboards in all 75 counties in the state.

Arkansas Right to Life reports that future Safe Haven Baby Boxes are planned for Maumelle, Fort Smith, El Dorado, and Rogers.

Safe Haven Baby Boxes are amazing pieces of pro-life technology. It’s good to see communities like Conway continue to make them available to Arkansans.

Louisiana Passes Abortion Pill Reversal Law Similar to Arkansas’

Recently pro-lifers in Louisiana passed a law addressing abortion pill reversal in their state.

The law is similar to legislation that Arkansas passed in 2015 and 2019, and it is slated to take effect in Louisiana on August 1.

The RU-486 chemical abortion regimen uses two pills to poison and expel the unborn child. Research indicates that if a woman takes the hormone progesterone after receiving the first RU-486 pill, the progesterone can counteract the abortion drug and save the baby’s life.

A 2018 study concluded that chemical abortions could be reversed 64% – 68% of the time using this method — with no apparent risk of birth defects.

This process has been used to save the lives of hundreds of unborn babies whose mothers regretted their abortions after taking the abortion pill.

In 2015 Arkansas passed an informed-consent law requiring abortion clinics to tell women that chemical abortion can be reversed, but that time is of the essence. Act 522 of 2019 improved upon this good provision in state law.

Louisiana’s new pro-life law is very similar to the legislation that Arkansas enacted in 2015 and 2019. Just like Arkansas’ laws, it requires abortionists to give women information about abortion pill reversal.

This is another example of states continuing to fight abortion through good, pro-life legislation.