Americans United for Life Urges Court to Uphold Arkansas’ Pro-Life Laws

Last week the pro-life organization Americans United for Life announced that it filed an amicus brief in the case Hopkins v. Jegley urging the Eighth Circuit to uphold a group of pro-life laws from Arkansas.

In August a three-judge panel from the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals lifted a lower court ruling against four pro-life laws the Arkansas Legislature passed in 2017.

In response, the ACLU appealed to the entire Eighth Circuit to have the laws blocked once again.

The pro-life laws in question are:

  • Act 45 of 2017 (Dismemberment Abortion): Act 45 prohibits certain abortion procedures — such as D&E abortion procedures — in which a living unborn baby is dismembered.
  • Act 733 of 2017 (Sex-Selection Abortion): Act 733 prohibits abortions performed due to the baby’s sex. It contains a provision requiring the doctor to request the pregnant woman’s medical records pertaining to her pregnancy history before performing the abortion. The ACLU specifically challenged the portion of the law requiring the abortionist to request a woman’s medical records.
  • Act 1018 of 2017 (Reporting Requirements): Act 1018 requires abortions performed on any girl under the age of 17 to be reported to the State Crime Lab in case the girl turns out to be the victim of sexual assault.
  • Act 603 of 2017 (Prohibiting Buying and Selling of Aborted Babies): Act 603 prohibits biomedical and behavioral research on aborted fetal remains, and it requires aborted fetal remains to be disposed of according to the Arkansas Final Disposition Rights Act of 2009. This bill helps prevent abortionists from selling organs and tissue harvested from the bodies of aborted babies.

The amicus brief Americans United for Life filed earlier this month argues that the three-judge panel was correct to unblock the laws and encourages the Eighth Circuit to deny the ACLU’s request for a rehearing in the case.

You can read the amicus brief from Americans United for Life here.

Another Baby Saved from Abortion in Little Rock

Recently we wrote about two babies who were saved from abortion in Little Rock thanks to the work of pro-life volunteers praying outside abortion facilities.

Last week 40 Days for Life announced that another baby was saved outside the Planned Parenthood facility in Little Rock.

The group wrote on Facebook,

God made a divine appointment possible today. A pregnant women had gone to Planned Parenthood on Tuesday and was handed a card with local pregnancy centers info by a 40 Days [For Life] prayer warrior as she left. Today she came to the pregnancy center where I volunteer and she CHOSE LIFE!! I did an ultrasound and everyone in the room cried. What a precious baby who will now survive! That Mama is courageous! Please pray for her.

This is really great news!

Pro-life volunteers who pray and share information about pregnancy resource centers literally are on the front lines in the fight against abortion.

Right now volunteers are praying regularly outside Little Rock Family Planning Services and Planned Parenthood.

The prayer efforts outside Planned Parenthood are part of the semiannual 40 Days for Life campaign.

Every year we hear stories of babies saved from abortion and lives changed forever because someone was praying outside one of these abortion facilities.

You can learn more about 40 Days for Life at

NWA Pro-Life Events Coming November 1

Life Chain events are happening in Northwest Arkansas on Sunday, November 1.

These are a wonderful opportunity for pro-lifers to set aside an hour or so of their time to publicly take a pro-life stand.

Benton County Right to Life will meet in front of Boozman Hoff Eye Clinic at 3737 W Walnut St, Rogers, AR 72756 from 2:00 – 3:00pm.

Participants will spread out and hold signs with pro-life messages on them.

Washington County Right to Life will meet in front of Fiesta Square, 3033 N College Ave, Fayetteville, AR 72703 from 2:00  – 3:00 p.m.

These are great activities right before the elections!

 Bring your whole family.

Water, lawn chairs, umbrellas, and strollers are welcome and encouraged.

This is naturally a socially distanced event. All participants will be spread out 6 – 10 feet apart outdoors.

Signs like the ones you see in the picture above will be provided.