The Right to Choose?


The following blog post is by Family Council staff member Christa Adams.

Abortion proponents tout that a woman should have the “right to choose” what happens in her body and should have access to safe abortions.  However, time and time again cases come to light where a woman may have had access to an abortion, but it was unsafe or she was coerced into abortion by lack of knowledge, by various other parties, or in some cases the abortionists themselves.  Itai Gravely is just one of these women.


IRS Caught on Tape: Keep Faith to Yourself

From Alliance Defending Freedom:

Alliance Defending Freedom made public Monday audio of a phone conversation that the Internal Revenue Service placed to a non-profit organization that provides support to women in abusive pregnancy situations. In the recorded phone conversation, an IRS agent lectures the president of the organization about forcing its religion and beliefs on others and inaccurately explains that the group must remain neutral on issues such as abortion.

Read more here.

Obama Admin. Quits Fight Over Emergency Contraception

The Department of Justice has given up on its appeal to keep emergency contraception out of the hands of children.

A federal judge out of New York previously ruled emergency contraception should be made available to girls of all ages (including children) without parental consent or notification. The DOJ challenged the ruling, appealing it, but decided yesterday to drop that appeal. That means the current ruling stands.
