Family Council Saddened at the Passing of Billy Graham

Little Rock, Ark. – On Wednesday, the Reverend Billy Graham passed away. Family Council President Jerry Cox released a statement, saying, “We are deeply saddened at the passing of Reverend Billy Graham. He was one of the most respected Christian leaders in the world. I had the opportunity to attend one of his revival meetings at War Memorial Stadium in Little Rock in the late 1980’s. No one knows how many lives he touched.”

Cox said part of what set Billy Graham apart was his care for elected officials. “I’ve always admired the way Billy Graham could minister to everyday people and presidents alike. He believed our elected leaders needed God’s wisdom and our prayers. That’s something I really appreciate.”

Cox said Billy Graham was like no one else. “Maybe once in a lifetime a person steps onto the stage, and they make such an impact that no one can take their place. Billy Graham was such a person—a man without peer who simply loved God and followed Him as best he could.”

Family Council is a conservative education and research organization based in Little Rock.


Arkansas’ Longest Married Couple Reception

LITTLE ROCK, AR – For the first time ever, Arkansas Family Council is launching a search for Arkansas’ Longest Married Couple. We want couples to share their stories of a lifetime commitment to marriage and family. Family Council will be honoring the longest married couple and their family at a dessert reception at the Governor’s Mansion with Governor Asa Hutchinson and First Lady Susan Hutchinson on Tuesday, February 20, 2018.

“Sharing these couples’ lifetime stories of commitment and faithfulness to each other encourages the next generation that ‘married happily ever after’ still exists. We are blessed and honored to be able to share these stories of forever love,” Jerry Cox, president of Family Council, said. “In today’s society we are surrounded by naysayers of marriage but the married couples we find will prove them all wrong and show that marriage can last a lifetime.

“Marriage is a sacred covenant between a man and a woman,” Cox said. “It is not every day that you meet a couple married over 70 years, but when you do, there is truly something special about that relationship.”

Entries for couples married over 70 years can still be submitted by Friday, February 2, 2018, by sending contact information and marriage date to For more information, please call the Family Council office at 501-375-7000.

Family Council is a conservative education and research organization based in Little Rock with a mission of promoting, protecting, and strengthening traditional family values.


Photo Credit: By Jeff Belmonte from Cuiabá, Brazil (Flickr) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons.

Group Files Free Speech Lawsuit Against ASU

Last week attorneys at Alliance Defending Freedom filed a lawsuit in federal court against Arkansas State University in Jonesboro.

According to ADF, the school has tried to limit free speech on campus to sanctioned “free speech” zones. When a student recently tried to set up a table outside the student union to generate interest in forming a chapter of the group Turning Point USA on campus, a school administrator stopped her, citing the university’s speech policy.

The question is, how is free speech “free” if it is limited to certain areas of campus and has to be approved by the university first?

The case at ASU is similar to a lawsuit filed in Ohio last month against a university that tried to restrict speech by a pro-life student group.

College campuses used to be places where students could freely exchange ideas. However, we are increasingly seeing attempts by school administrators to restrict speech on campus — especially speech by conservative and pro-life students.

Alliance Defending Freedom has an excellent track record litigating cases like this one in Jonesboro. Given that history, it seems likely the courts will rule against the school’s anti-speech policies in the months to come.