What’s Up With Halloween These Days?

512px-Friendly_pumpkinRecently we published a blog post asking “Why is There No ‘War on Halloween’?

The post was intended to highlight an inconsistency among many modern atheists: They are all-too-eager to attack the spiritual elements depicted in public Christmas decorations, but they are reluctant to attack the spiritual elements depicted in public Halloween decorations.

The post has turned out to be very popular, and I thought it would be fitting to follow it up with another more general question: What’s up with Halloween these days?

What’s Up With Halloween?

I’m not interested in bashing Halloween itself, per se, with this blog post. Many Christians consider Halloween an overtly satanic holiday; that’s a topic I would just as soon save for another day. I’m more interested in looking at what Halloween has become these past few years–and what it says about us as Americans. (more…)

Actor John Rhys-Davies: Christianity “is Being Wiped Out” in Middle East

A_Cross_of_Candle_LightActor John Rhys-Davies–known for his roles in the Indiana Jones franchise and the Lord of the Rings–went on comedian Adam Carolla’s podcast this week, where he discussed, among other things, the persecution Christians are facing in the Middle East, saying,

“Basically, Christianity in the Middle East and in Africa is being wiped out — I mean not just ideologically but physically, and people are being enslaved and killed because they are Christians. And [America] and [the U.K.] are doing nothing about it. . . .

“We have lost our moral compass completely, and, unless we find it, we’re going to lose our civilization.”

You can read more about Rhys-Davies’ remarks here.

Photo By Wing-Chi Poon [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons