State Report: Marijuana Proposals Would Cost Millions

Reports released by the Department of Finance and Administration last week estimated that each of the two competing marijuana proposals, Issue 6 and Issue 7, could cost taxpayers millions of dollars.

Marijuana proponents have touted the fact Issues 6 and 7 both tax so-called “medical” marijuana.  The Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration analyzed the tax revenue the two measures would “generate” compared to the administrative costs to the state.

DFA estimates each measure would provide approximately $2.1 – $2.5 million in tax revenue each year. However, DFA estimates Issue 6 could cost as much as $3.1 million to administer, and Issue 7 could cost the state as much as $4.9 million to administer.

In other words under either proposal taxpayers could be on the hook for anywhere from $1 million to $2.8 million each year to fund the state’s marijuana program.

Both proposals increase the workload of the Arkansas Department of Health by requiring it to process applications for marijuana cards and maintain personnel for the state’s marijuana program; DFA estimates Issue 6 would force the Health Department to hire 10-13 new employees, and Issue 7 would force the department to hire 23-63 new employees.

Issue 6 increases the workload of the Alcoholic Beverage Control board, and it creates a new state commission to help oversee marijuana in Arkansas; both proposals increase the workload of DFA, which provides legal and administrative assistance to other agencies.

Additionally, the Arkansas State Police estimates it would need $2.9 million if either marijuana proposal passes.

These reports track with findings issued 4 years ago under Governor Mike Beebe’s administration. At that time state officials determined a marijuana proposal similar to Issue 7 would cost the state severely.

Simply put, marijuana legalization is not revenue-neutral. Even if marijuana is taxed, it is unlikely the state will recover all of the revenue it loses administering the “medical marijuana” program and ensuring compliance with “medical marijuana” laws.

Read DFA’s report on Issue 6 here.

Read DFA’s report on Issue 7 here.

Read the Arkansas State Police’s report here.

Right to Life to Host Reception in Honor of A.G. Rutledge

Arkansas Right to Life is hosting a reception in Little Rock in honor of Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge on Tuesday, November 15, from 5:30 – 7:30 P.M. An award will be presented to A.G. Rutledge at 6:30 P.M.

Tickets are $50 per person and can be purchased at

As we have noted many times, Attorney General Leslie Rutledge has taken a decidedly pro-life stance.

In addition to defending human life, A.G. Rutledge and her office have taken a strong position on a number of important issues, including:

AR Attorney General, Law Enforcement, Prosecuting Attorneys All Oppose Marijuana

Yesterday Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge joined the Arkansas Association of the Chiefs of Police, the Arkansas Prosecuting Attorneys Association, and the Arkansas Chapter of the FBI National Academy Associates in a joint statement opposing marijuana Issues 6 and 7.

The statement cited the negative side-effects of marijuana legalization–something we have written about repeatedly–and called the proposals, “very thinly disguised attempts to legalize marijuana under the cloak of medicine.”

You can read the statement below.

Little Rock – The Arkansas Association of Chiefs of Police (AACP) along with the Arkansas Prosecuting Attorneys Association (APAA) and the FBI National Academy Associates-Arkansas Chapter (FBINAA), join with Attorney General Leslie Rutledge in urging all Arkansans to vote against marijuana related Issues 6 & 7.  The AACP, APAA, and FBINAA all recently voted unanimously to OPPOSE the legalization of marijuana being proposed here in Issue 6 & 7.

It is often mentioned by proponents that law enforcement is simply against marijuana legalization because it will lead to a loss of revenue to their organizations.  The fact is, law enforcement and prosecutors actually oppose it, because they are often the first ones to see the negative side effects that marijuana legalization has on communities and youth.  Speaking with law enforcement officials and prosecutors in other legalized states has led us to the firm conclusion that it’s not in the best overall interests of the citizen’s we protect and serve due to the associated criminal activity, increases in fatality car crashes, and spikes in poison control calls and emergency room visits for children from edible products.

We believe the proposals here are nothing more than very thinly disguised attempts to legalize marijuana under the cloak of medicine.  We sympathize with those that have debilitating diseases, but we also want people to understand that no matter where they stand on this issue they may want to consider these proposals were written by the big marijuana industry for the marijuana industry.  The marijuana industry does not have our communities and youth’s best interests in mind and are only worried about making more money at the expense of our most vulnerable.

Neither Issue 6 or 7 truly allow jurisdictions to keep marijuana from flooding their communities.  One proposal requires that marijuana dispensaries be allowed to operate wherever a pharmacy is located, even next to an ice cream store where you take your family.  The other proposal allows jurisdictions to ban dispensaries, but then you have to allow home growing of it, potentially next door to your family and children.  Neither choice is a good one.

We ask that all Arkansans take a stand against the big marijuana industry and VOTE NO on Issues 6 and 7 and help us keep your family safe.