Last week law enforcement in Illinois reportedly found the remains of some 2,246 aborted babies at the home of abortionist Dr. Ulrich Klopfer.
Klopfer, who passed away earlier this month, lived in Illinois, but operated abortion facilities in neighboring Indiana.
Now, four Indiana legislators are seeking an investigation to determine what happened and whether the aborted babies were illegally transported across state lines from Klopfer’s Indiana-based abortion facility to his Illinois home.
“State Rep. Ron Bacon and three fellow Republican lawmakers issued a statement Sunday saying the Indiana attorney general’s office should investigate the abortion clinics in Allen, Lake and St. Joseph’s counties where Dr. Ulrich Klopfer worked,” AP reported. “The attorney general’s office hasn’t responded to a request for comment Monday.”
The story is reminiscent of Philadelphia abortionist Dr. Kermit Gosnell, who was convicted in 2013 of murdering babies born alive following botched abortion procedures. Prior to Gosnell’s arrest and conviction, law enforcement found the remains of some 45 aborted babies stored at Gosnell’s surgical abortion facility.
Stories like these are one reason Family Council has pushed for stronger regulations and oversight when it comes to abortion.
In 2017 we supported H.B. 1566 at the Arkansas Legislature. This good law prohibits research on aborted babies, and it requires aborted babies to be respectfully buried or cremated.
Laws like these may not seem like much, but ultimately they help prevent unborn children from being sold to labs for scientific research or thrown away like medical waste.