The Arkansas Times reports Planned Parenthood will open its facility in Rogers, Arkansas, on September 14.
Recently Family Council learned that Planned Parenthood has worked to acquire a facility in Rogers that could be used to perform abortions. The facility was acquired by an entity called 12 Redacre LLC, but the company’s mailing address matched a mailing address for Planned Parenthood Great Plains in Overland Park, Kansas.
Planned Parenthood’s website indicates the facility eventually will perform drug-induced abortions. However, the Arkansas Times article indicates that activity at the facility may initially be limited to things like transgender services and family planning.
We know from experience that Planned Parenthood’s sex education and family planning strategies simply do not work.
The Obama Administration gave Planned Parenthood millions of dollars to conduct teen pregnancy prevention programs in the Pacific Northwest.
Evaluations of the programs revealed students who went through these sex education programs actually were more likely to become pregnant or cause a pregnancy afterward.
In other words, Planned Parenthood’s sex education programs did exactly the opposite of what the federal government had wanted.
In the 1980s and 1990s, public officials in Arkansas promoted Planned Parenthood-style sex education. The programs failed to have a meaningful impact on teen pregnancy and abortion in Arkansas.
Even if family planning or comprehensive sex education were all Planned Parenthood had in mind for its facility in Rogers, there would be cause for concern.
However, Planned Parenthood clearly intends for this facility to be a major abortion center.