Above: The Lake Hamilton High School Power Band won the 6A State Marching Championship at War Memorial Stadium on November 1. The band’s performance of “Revival” reportedly earned both high music and high visual scores. Photo Credit: Facebook Post.

The Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation recently sent a letter to the Lake Hamilton School District in Arkansas urging the district to end “religious themes and messaging” in a school halftime show.

The halftime marching show in question reportedly was titled “Revival” and used the a cross, flags, and signs saying “sinners beware” and “repent now.”

The Lake Hamilton School District provided a statement to KARK News, explaining:

Their [the marching band’s] captivating show, “Revival,” drew acclaim from judges and fans alike, drawing inspiration from the great depression era highlighted in the motion picture “O Brother Where Art Thou” and other prolific concert band works. Undoubtedly, the Lake Hamilton High School Power Band’s dedication and talent were shown through each performance.

This isn’t the first time the Freedom From Religion Foundation has been active in Arkansas.

In 2022 the atheist group issued a statement celebrating the defeat of religious freedom amendment Issue 3, which narrowly failed at the ballot box in Arkansas.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation has opposed public prayer at meetings and gatherings in Arkansas, and has filed a lawsuit to have a monument of the Ten Commandments removed from the Arkansas Capitol grounds.

In 2017 the group demanded that Governor Hutchinson stop sharing Bible verses on his Facebook page.

In 2016 the foundation went after Washington County election officials for using churches as polling places.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation has even complained about the fact that that Arkansas’ public school students can study the Bible academically — even though it is one of the oldest texts in existence and has had a profound influence on human history.

As we have said time and again, it is worth noting that across the board, groups like the Freedom From Religion Foundation tend to threaten lawsuits. If people stand their ground, these organizations rarely follow through by filing a lawsuit.

Religious freedom is a fundamental right in America, and groups like the Freedom From Religion Foundation infringe that liberty when they work to purge the free exercise of religion from public life.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.