Shortly after his inauguration on Monday, President Trump signed a slew of executive orders changing the Biden Administration’s policies — including an order stating something that has been obvious for most of human history: Men are male and women are female.

The order titled “Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism And Restoring Biological Truth To The Federal Government” restores the definition of “sex” in federal law to mean “male or female.”

The measure brings much-needed clarity to federal policy by saying that “sex” is not a synonym for “gender identity.”

Under this executive order, federal agencies must use the traditional interpretation of “male,” “female,” “man,” and “woman,” and government IDs and employee records must reflect biological sex rather than gender identity.

The order also will help ensure men are not housed with women in prisons and that public funds are not used to pay for sex-change procedures on people in federal custody.

Over the past four years we have seen the Biden Administration work to advance radical, transgender ideas that erase the distinction between male and female in our laws.

For example, last year the Biden Administration released more than 1,500 pages of new rules drastically redefining “sex” under Title IX to include sexual orientation and gender identity. Under these rules, public schools could have been forced to let biological males compete in women’s sports and use girls’ locker rooms, showers, and changing areas at school. Fortunately, people across America — including Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin — filed lawsuits to block the Biden Administration’s new rules.

President Trump’s executive order will help block bad federal policies like this one.

During President Obama’s time at the White House, we saw wave after wave of radical LGBT policies rolled out at the federal level. However, Americans experienced a four-year reprieve under the Trump Administration. The Biden Administration doubled-down on promoting pro-LGBT policies that were bad for Americans.

The next four years may give the nation another break from radical gender ideology in the federal government. That is good, but it isn’t necessarily a long term solution. Ultimately, these problems can only be solved by changing hearts and minds and clarifying our federal laws.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.