Sen. David Vitter Introduces Sex-Selection Abortion Ban

Even though the recent sex-selection abortion ban proposal was defeated in the House, U.S. Senator David Vitter of Louisiana “has introduced the Senate version of the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act.” Click here to read more about this encouraging development from

NBC Medical Editor Promotes Aborting Children with Genetic Defects

From “On Friday’s NBC Today, chief medical editor Nancy Snyderman explained to viewers that it’s just good science to abort an unborn child that may have a genetic disorder, explaining that testing for such conditions, ‘gives parents a chance to decide whether they’re going to continue that pregnancy or not. This is the science of today.'”

Atheist Group Tries to Stop City’s Annual Interfaith Prayer Luncheon

The Freedom From Religion Foundation is at it again. This time, they’re trying to stop Columbus, Ohio’s 13th annual Interfaith Prayer Luncheon, which will be hosted by the city’s mayor, Michael B. Coleman.

James Dobson to Obama: “I will not bow before your wicked regulation”

Dr. James Dobson has written a hard-hitting piece against the abortion surcharge in Obamacare, which he vows to disregard. Click here to read Dobson’s commentary. Chinese Woman 7 Months Pregnant Beaten, Forcibly Aborted

This is a terrible, terrible story from, and it’s unfortunately true. Click here to read it. Warning: A disturbing photo accompanies the article.