FRC on How the HHS Mandate Violates Religious Freedom

Our friends at Family Research Council (FRC) have filed comments with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services explaining how the HHS mandate violations religious freedom. Click here to read their press release and here for their full comments. Many thanks to FRC for fighting this mandate at the national level.

One Pound Premature Baby Has Enjoyed 13 Years of Life

At Family Council, we are big fans of Not only do they provide hard-hitting reporting on current events from a pro-life perspective, but they are also playing a crucial role in building a culture of life by sharing personal stories. One such story is about a young couple who experienced a premature birth. Their child was born at one pound, and his prognosis did not look good. But now, 13 years later, even though he has problems, he is alive and a great joy. Click here to read the whole story.

House Passes Bill Preventing Abortions for Illegal Immigrant Detainees

Reports “A Homeland Security spending bill approved by the GOP-led House on Thursday includes a provision to bar Immigration and Customs Enforcement from providing abortions for illegal immigrant detainees.”

IRS Official Warns Pastors to Keep Silent During Elections

“The IRS warned pastors attending a faith leader’s summit in Washington D.C. recently not to speak from their pulpits about candidates or elections,” says, reporting on a story by OneNewsNow.

Report: Hundreds Rally in Little Rock

A great report about Little Rock’s religious freedom rally last Friday has been posted on the national Stand Up for Religious Freedom website. Click here to read it!