Friday, April 10, 2020
Arkansas’ abortion facilities have continued performing abortions despite the COVID-19 outbreak and guidelines and directives from Governor Hutchinson and Secretary of Health Dr. Nathaniel Smith.
On Friday Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge issued a warning to all healthcare facilities in the state — including abortion facilities — that they must comply with the state’s public health directives by postponing surgeries that are not medically necessary.
“Arkansans must work together to combat the COVID-19 pandemic,” Attorney General Rutledge said in a written statement. “All medically unnecessary surgeries and procedures, including abortions, must be postponed until after this crisis has ended. Those who violate the Department of Health’s directive will be met with decisive action, and my office will forcefully defend the State officials involved in keeping Arkansans safe.” According to the A.G.’s statement, facilities that do not comply with the state’s public health directives could have their license suspended.
Family Council President Jerry Cox issued a statement praising Attorney General Rutledge, Governor Hutchinson, and Secretary of Health Dr. Smith for their leadership during the pandemic.
“This is the right thing to do,” Cox said. “I have personally driven by Arkansas’ abortion facilities this week. Their parking lots have been full of cars, and some of the vehicles have had license plates from out of state. Telling abortion facilities that they cannot perform elective abortions during this time will help preserve medical resources and slow the spread of the coronavirus.”
Family Council will continue to monitor and report on this situation as it develops.