Closed: Two Pennsylvania Abortion Clinics

Two abortions clinics in Pennsylvania have been ordered closed by the state’s Department of Health, reports

The True Meaning of the Constitution

The Heritage Foundation should be commended for their work on the Constitution. Just recently, Heritage released an online guide to the Constitution, and it’s an excellent resource for citizens and elected officials alike. Check it out at, and make sure to bookmark for future use.

Chuck Colson’s Redemption Story

Heritage Foundation President Ed Feulner has written a tribute to Chuck Colson on his organization’s blog.  Colson’s story really was one of redemption, as Feulner notes. Click here to read it.

Video: Chuck Colson Remembered

Over the weekend, Chuck Colson passed from this life and entered the arms of the Lord. As a Christian leader, he was an inspiration to us all, and his presence will be greatly missed. Prison Fellowship—a life-changing prison ministry he founded—has put together a great video honoring him.

Tim Tebow “lives a life that consistently reflects his values”

Unlike some individuals placed on Time magazine’s “1oo Most Influential People in the World” list, Tim Tebow is actually influential in a positive way. That’s why we’re glad he it onto the list. Jeremy Lin, a point guard for the New York Knicks, wrote the entry on Tebow for Time—and we think he did a great job. Click here to read it.