Guest Column: Girls Forced to Share Rooms With Boys in Colorado

Last month, a story out of Colorado broke about an 11-year-old girl assigned to share a bed with a male student on a school trip. More parents in that school district are now sharing similar stories. For example, a female high school counselor was put in charge of, and stayed overnight in, a cabin of sixth-grade boys

The media outlets claiming that this is all about conservative parents overreacting about LGBTQ “rights” in schools are lying. Make no mistake: The kids are not all right. They’re in danger.  

As long as those who are entrusted with the protection of children continue to put them in harm’s way in order to advance dangerous ideologies, we must not stand by. If we do, there will only be more victims.  

To learn more about organizations fighting to protect the rights of children and how you can join them, visit And for resources to help the next generation embrace a biblical view of who they are, visit

Copyright 2024 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.

Arkansas Attorney General Rejects Marijuana Amendment

On Monday the Arkansas Attorney General’s Office rejected an amendment legalizing marijuana in the state, citing problems and ambiguities in the measure’s language.

Among other things, the amendment would expand the list of healthcare professionals who can write notes certifying people to use “medical” marijuana, and it would let people buy and use marijuana without showing that they suffer from one of the eighteen qualifying conditions currently listed in the state constitution.

It would let people grow their own marijuana at home, and it would give current marijuana growers and sellers a monopoly over the marijuana industry in Arkansas.

Together, these changes would let people grow, buy, and use marijuana in Arkansas for practically any reason.

The amendment also contains a trigger that clearly legalizes recreational marijuana in Arkansas if the federal government reclassifies or decriminalizes marijuana as a controlled substances.

Arkansas voters soundly rejected a marijuana amendment in 2022.

Nationwide, marijuana legalization has caused serious problems in other states.

Authorities in CaliforniaOregon, and other states continue to seize marijuana grown and sold illegally on the black market.

Research from California found infants were 35% more likely to die within the first year of birth if their mothers used marijuana heavily.

Regular marijuana use has been associated with lung problems and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. A 2022 study published in the journal of the Radiological Society of North America found marijuana smoke may actually be more harmful to lungs than cigarette smoke.

States that have legalized marijuana have seen increases in drugged driving and traffic injuries as well.

All of this underscores what we have said for years: Marijuana may be many things, but “harmless” simply is not one of them.

Articles appearing on this website are written with the aid of Family Council’s researchers and writers.