Senate Public Health Committee Advances Good Bills

On Monday the Senate Public Health Committee advanced two good bills.

The first was S.B. 452 by Sen. Ben Gilmore (R – Crossett) and Rep. Mindy McAlindon (R – Centerton).

The bill amends the legislative declarations in the Arkansas Family Planning Act of 1973. It deletes legislative findings in state law that claim, “Continuing population growth either causes or aggravates many social, economic, and environmental problems, both in this state and in the nation,” and that “[c]ontraceptive procedures, supplies, and information as to and procedures for voluntary sterilization are not sufficiently available as a practical matter to many persons in this state.”

The second was S.B. 463 — also by Sen. Ben Gilmore (R – Crossett) and Rep. Mindy McAlindon (R – Centerton) — clarifying that the State Medical Board will revoke the license of a physician that violates Arkansas’ laws against abortion-inducing drugs.

Both bills now go to the Arkansas Senate for consideration.

ACLU Opposes Religious Freedom Protections in Arkansas

Above: A screenshot of one of the ACLU’s statements against H.B. 1615, a bill that would help protect the free exercise of religion in Arkansas.

The ACLU opposes a bill at the state legislature that would help protect religious freedom and rights of conscience in Arkansas.

H.B. 1615 by Rep. Robin Lundstrum (R — Elm Springs) and Sen. Gary Stubblefield (R — Branch) makes important clarifications to the state Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The bill amends state law to add important language that would help prevent the government from burdening the free exercise of religion.

H.B. 1615 helps prohibit religious discrimination against individuals, business owners, and organizations that want to follow their deeply held religious convictions.

Christian-owned wedding venuesbakeriesphotography studios, and florist shops have come under fire in state and federal court in recent years. That is why it is so important for our laws to protect religious liberty.

If passed, H.B. 1615 would provide Arkansans with some of the best religious freedom protections in the nation.

Family Council is pleased to support this good bill.

The House Judiciary Committee could vote on H.B 1615 this week.

You Can Read The Bill Here.

Will Doctors Be Held Accountable for Her Harm?

Eighteen-year-old Chloe Cole has filed a lawsuit against Kaiser Permanente, accusing them of medical malpractice in her so-called “gender transition.” At age 13, Cole was put on puberty blockers and then testosterone. Within three years, she underwent a double mastectomy.  

Over the past decade, the medical community has treated cases of gender dysphoria differently than other mind/body disorders. Typically, such disorders are treated by helping the patient reconcile with his or her body. It is only in the case of gender dysphoria that doctors encourage and facilitate expensive chemical and surgical interventions in the name of “gender-affirming care.” Far from alleviating the dysphoria and related mental health problems, these interventions leave the root problems unaddressed. To follow this path with minors is an especially troubling form of social experimentation. 

Similar lawsuits have been instrumental for creating a course correction elsewhere. Hopefully, Chloe’s case will lead to doctors being held accountable for the harms they have caused and to a course correction here in America as well. 

Copyright 2024 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.