Funding Planned Parenthood

John Stonestreet, Radio Host and President of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview.

As the election looms closer, Christians should know both why they should vote and how to think through candidates and issues.

At the very top of the list is the sanctity of human life. The Trump administration has taken clear steps to protect the unborn—from judges appointed to executive actions to showing up at the March for Life. Yet, it is still true that Planned Parenthood, as LiveAction President Lila Rose recently tweeted, “under the Trump Administration . . . receives more money today than they did under the Obama administration. It’s time to hold [Planned Parenthood] accountable for their crimes against children.”

Planned Parenthood officials have admitted under oath that they participate in partial birth abortion and the sale of body parts—both federal crimes . We must let the administration know that any tax dollars going their direction is simply unnacceptable.

And we must press pro-life candidates on how they plan to end abortion funding.

Copyright 2020 by the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Reprinted from with permission.

Five Facts About Planned Parenthood in Arkansas

Planned Parenthood is the nation’s leading abortionist.

The group made headlines a few years ago after a series of undercover videos allegedly showed top Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of organs and tissue harvest from the bodies of aborted babies.

Below are a few things to know about Planned Parenthood’s recent activities in Arkansas.

Planned Parenthood Kills Hundreds of Unborn Babies in Arkansas Every Year

Planned Parenthood performs chemical abortions using RU-486 at its Little Rock facility.

Family Council estimates that Planned Parenthood is responsible for approximately 70% of all chemical abortions in Arkansas.

That means that Planned Parenthood performed upwards of 850 – 900 drug-induced abortions in 2019.

While surgical abortion has been on the decline in Arkansas since 2014, chemical abortions have risen, and most of these chemical abortions appear to be occurring at Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood’s Facility in Fayetteville Has Been Closed for Over a Year

On July 25, 2019, Planned Parenthood closed its abortion facility in Fayetteville.

The abortionist’s landlord reportedly opted not to renew Planned Parenthood’s lease in 2019. One year later, the group still has not reopened in Northwest Arkansas.

That means the only Planned Parenthood facility remaining in Arkansas is located in Little Rock.

Planned Parenthood’s Affiliate Responsible for Arkansas Recently Laid Off Three Dozen Employees

Planned Parenthood Great Plains is the affiliate that oversees abortion facilities in Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Arkansas.

The group recently cut thirty-six employees who worked closely with its headquarters.

The layoffs reportedly were the result of budget problems stemming from COVID-19.

However, Planned Parenthood apparently has not cut staff at its abortion facilities.

Planned Parenthood Has Endorsed Nine Candidates Running for Office in Arkansas

Two of Planned Parenthood’s political action committees — Planned Parenthood Great Plains Votes Arkansas and Planned Parenthood Action Fund — have endorsed candidates running for office in Arkansas in 2020.

The candidates are:

  • Joyce Elliott for 2nd Congressional District
  • Celeste Williams for 3rd Congressional District
  • Clarke Tucker for Arkansas Senate District 32
  • Suzie Bell for Arkansas House District 97
  • Daisy Bonilla for Arkansas House District 93
  • Rep. Tippi McCullough for Arkansas House District 33
  • Rep. David Whitaker for Arkansas House District 85
  • Lisa Hassell for Arkansas House District 68
  • Rep. Denise Ennett for Arkansas House District 36

Planned Parenthood Has Reported Little Campaign Activity in Arkansas During the COVID Outbreak

Earlier this month Planned Parenthood Great Plains Votes Arkansas filed its quarterly report with the Secretary of State’s office.

The report shows Planned Parenthood’s PAC did virtually no campaigning in Arkansas from April to June of this year.

That’s significant, because Planned Parenthood has pledged to spend $45 million campaigning nationwide in the 2020 elections, and the group was actively fundraising in Arkansas prior to the coronavirus outbreak.

The fact that Planned Parenthood’s PAC wasn’t active in Arkansas during the spring may mean COVID-19 has put a damper on the group’s political activities this year.