Planned Parenthood Hopes to Perform Chemical Abortions in Rogers By Early Spring

Above: Planned Parenthood’s new facility in Rogers.

On Wednesday Planned Parenthood Great Plains, the regional affiliate for Planned Parenthood in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Kansas, announced it intends to begin performing chemical abortions using the RU-486 abortion drugs at its new facility in Rogers, Arkansas, by sometime in the early spring of 2022.

Family Council President Jerry Cox issued a statement saying, “Today’s announcement isn’t surprising. Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider, and the group has said since 2019 that it wants to open an abortion center in Northwest Arkansas. Planned Parenthood worked through a separate LLC to secretly acquire a facility in Rogers. That center opened for business in September. Planned Parenthood officials had originally said they wanted to begin performing abortions in Rogers by the end of this year. Now it seems they have delayed until the spring of next year.”

Cox said the community in Northwest Arkansas clearly opposes Planned Parenthood’s agenda. “Since August we’ve seen hundreds of pro-lifers from Northwest Arkansas gather to peacefully oppose abortion outside Planned Parenthood’s facility in Rogers. Pro-lifers just wrapped up a series of prayer vigils outside the facility that lasted forty days. Lawmakers and leaders in the community have held public events opposing abortion in Rogers. And the University of Arkansas recently released a poll that indicates most Arkansans think abortion ought to be either completely illegal or restricted to certain situations. Arkansans do not support abortion on demand, and yet that’s what Planned Parenthood wants to bring to Northwest Arkansas.”

Cox said that pro-life groups will continue working to end abortion in Arkansas. “Arkansas has more than forty pregnancy resource centers that give women real options besides abortion. Our state is home to multiple pro-life organizations, and we arguably have the most pro-life General Assembly in the country. Arkansas was recently ranked the most pro-life state in the nation. We are fully committed to ending abortion in our state and giving women with unplanned pregnancies the resources they need to choose an option besides abortion.”


Moro, Arkansas, Joins List of Pro-Life Cities and Counties Across The State

Above: City officials in Moro sign a resolution affirming that Moro is a Pro-Life City.

Last week the City of Moro, Arkansas, in Lee County passed a resolution affirming that the community is Pro-Life.

The resolution received unanimous support from the city council.

Moro joins a growing list of Pro-Life cities, towns, and counties across Arkansas.

Last spring the Arkansas Legislature passed Act 392 of 2021 by Rep. Kendon Underwood (R – Cave Springs) and Sen. Gary Stubblefield (R – Branch). This good law affirms that cities and counties can designate themselves as Pro-Life.

Act 392 also makes it clear that Pro-Life Communities can install signs or banners announcing that they are Pro-Life.

Since Act 392 was enacted over the summer, Arkansas has seen a rapid expansion of Pro-Life Cities and Counties across the state.

Washington, Benton, CrawfordCleburnePopeJacksonSalineFaulknerPerrySebastianLee, White, and Prairie counties have adopted Pro-Life resolutions — and so have MariannaRussellville, Springdale, and LaGrange.

Public opinion polling consistently shows Arkansans are pro-life. That’s one reason we’re seeing so many communities vote to adopt resolutions affirming that they support the sanctity of human life.

If you would like to learn how you can pass a pro-life resolution in your community, give us a call at (501) 375-7000 or click here.

Arkansas Ranked Most Pro-Life State in America For Second Year In A Row

Monday, November 15, 2021

On Monday Americans United for Life announced that Arkansas is the most pro-life state in America for the second year in a row. The pro-life organization ranks each state based on state laws protecting the unborn, the elderly, the disabled, and the terminally ill.

Family Council President Jerry Cox released a statement saying, “This is incredible news. Arkansans should be proud of their state legislators for enacting the best laws in the nation when it comes to protecting innocent human life. That’s something to celebrate.”

Cox said that making Arkansas the most pro-life state in America has taken years of work by many different people. “A little over a decade ago Family Council joined with others in setting out to make Arkansas the most pro-life state in America. By working together, we have done that. Becoming the most pro-life state in America didn’t happen overnight. It was the result of many years of hard work. Keeping Arkansas the most pro-life state will take constant effort. Arkansas Right to Life has been fighting abortion for over forty years, and Family Council has been at it for more than thirty years. Arkansas’ General Assembly has passed at least forty-seven good, pro-life laws since 2011. Governor Hutchinson has signed into law every pro-life bill that came across his desk, and Attorney General Rutledge has defended those laws in court. Ministers, churches, pregnancy resource centers, and everyday Arkansans all have worked very hard to make Arkansas the pro-life state that it is today.”

Cox pointed out that abortion has declined significantly in Arkansas, and most Arkansans do not support abortion on demand. “It’s great to be the nation’s most pro-life state, but it’s even more important that abortion is declining. Abortion in Arkansas has plummeted to levels we haven’t seen since the 1970s. Teen abortion in Arkansas sits at record lows today. Public opinion polling shows the overwhelming majority of Arkansans believe abortion ought to be either completely illegal or legal only in certain circumstances. More than forty pregnancy resource centers around the state help women and girls with unplanned pregnancies. So far this year eighteen counties and cities across Arkansas have passed resolutions affirming they are pro-life. It isn’t just that lawmakers are passing anti-abortion laws. Arkansans themselves are incredibly pro-life.”

Cox said Arkansas has proven to be a leader in the effort to end abortion. “As a pro-life leader, Arkansas has done vital work, but we can’t stand still.  Court cases are in play right now in Arkansas and elsewhere that could dismantle pro-abortion rulings like Roe v. Wade. Arkansas has an important role in that process and in showing other states how they can build a culture of life.”

Cox said even though Arkansas is the most pro-life state in the country, pro-life efforts are far from over. “Being the most pro-life state in America two years in a row is something Arkansans can be proud of. It shows Arkansas is committed to defending innocent human life. But there is still a lot of work to do. The ultimate goal is to end abortion and protect every innocent life from conception until natural death. We look forward to continuing to defend the sanctity of human life and working to end abortion in Arkansas.”
