Arkansas Joins Lawsuit to Block Federal Funding for Abortionists

On Monday Arkansas joined Ohio and ten other states in a lawsuit against the Biden Administration to stop federal funding of abortionists.

The lawsuit led by the Ohio Attorney General’s office seeks to close a loophole in federal rules and regulations.

On the whole, federal funds are not supposed to be used to pay for abortion except in cases of rape or incest or when the mother’s life or physical health are in jeopardy.

Title X of the Public Health Services Act provides federal funding for family planning services in America. However, the law contains a provision saying that the funds cannot be used for abortions.

To get around this provision in the law, abortionist like Planned Parenthood have been able to receive Title X funds, provided that they did not use the money to perform abortions.

However, we have long argued that giving groups like Planned Parenthood any federal funding at all helps subsidize their abortion business. If the money ultimately ends up at an abortion facility, it just makes it easier for them to fund and operate that facility.

In 2019 the Trump Administration closed this loophole with its Protect Life Rule.

The Protect Life Rule required “clear financial and physical separation between Title X-funded projects and programs or facilities where abortion is a method of family planning.”

This meant that Title X money couldn’t be used to fund family planning programs at an abortion facility like Planned Parenthood.

In October of 2021 the Biden Administration repealed the Trump Administration’s good rule and reinstituted the old policy that made it possible for abortionists to receive Title X funds.

On Monday, the States of Ohio, Arkansas, Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and West Virginia all filed a lawsuit in federal court arguing that the Biden Administration’s rule change is arbitrary, capricious, and contrary to federal law.

It’s good to see Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge and her team continuing to take a strong stand against the Biden Administration’s pro-abortion policies.

If successful, this lawsuit could block federal funds from going to abortion providers like Planned Parenthood under Title X. That would be a huge victory.

Russellville, Arkansas, Affirms It Is a Sanctuary For the Unborn

Above: Russellville Mayor Richard Harris (left) with Family Council staff member Ken Yang.

On Thursday night the Russellville City Council voted 5-3 to pass a resolution affirming that it is a Pro-Life City and a sanctuary for the unborn.

Russellville is the thirteenth Pro-Life municipality in Arkansas.

The resolution reads,

A Resolution to Make the City of Russellville, Arkansas, a “Sanctuary City For The Unborn”, and for Other Purposes.

WHEREAS, the Russellville City Council believes that denying the right to life of a created being is to deny liberty, the pursuit of happiness and all other unalienable rights; and,

WHEREAS, the Russellville City Council places the highest value on each individual’s right to life; and,

WHEREAS, the Russellville City Council believes, therefore, that the policy of the City of Russellville, Arkansas, is to promote and protect the dignity and humanity of all persons at all stages of life from conception to natural death.


SECTION 1: The City of Russellville, Arkansas, hereby recognizes and designates itself as a “Pro-Life” City as authorized by Act 392 of 2021.

SECTION 2: The City of Russellville, Arkansas hereby designates, henceforth, that its policy will be to promote and protect the dignity and humanity of all persons at all stages of life from conception until natural death.

Arkansas has seen a rapid expansion of pro-life resolutions passed at the local level this year.

Washington, Benton, CrawfordCleburnePopeJacksonSalineFaulkner, Perry, and Sebastian counties have approved pro-life resolutions since last spring.

The City of Mariana and the City of Springdale also have affirmed that they are Pro-Life.

Earlier this year the Arkansas Legislature passed Act 392 of 2021 by Rep. Kendon Underwood (R – Cave Springs) and Sen. Gary Stubblefield (R – Branch). This excellent law affirms that cities, towns, and counties in Arkansas can designate themselves as Pro-Life.

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that municipalities can adopt pro-life policy positions. Any city, town, or county can pass a pro-life resolution like the ones that these communities have passed.

We know from public opinion polling that the vast majority of Arkansans believe abortion ought to be either completely illegal or legal only under certain circumstances. With that in mind, it makes sense that communities in Arkansas would vote to affirm that they are Pro-Life.

We look forward to future communities passing their own resolutions declaring that they are Pro-Life — just like the City of Russellville and these other municipalities have done.

If you would like to learn more about how you can pass a pro-life resolution in your community, give us a call at (501) 375-7000 or click here.