Representative Mayberry Files First Pro-Life Bill of Session

Rep. Andy Mayberry (R-Hensley) has filed the first pro-life bill of the session.

H.B. 1037, also known as the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, prohibits abortion once an unborn child is capable of feeling pain—roughly twenty weeks into a pregnancy—except to save the life of the mother or prevent “substantial and irreversible physical impairment of a major bodily function.”

The bill has more than fifty sponsors in the House of Representatives, meaning if it makes it out of the House Public Health Committee, it is bound to pass the entire House.


Pastors Prayer Meeting a Success

About a dozen ministers braved the icy weather to meet with and pray over lawmakers at the Capitol in Little Rock yesterday morning. Several of us joined legislators for breakfast in the cafeteria beforehand to talk about the pressures elected officials face and offer support and encouragement. Afterwards, we met in the Rotunda of the Capitol Building for corporate and individual prayer. About 25 lawmakers came to meet with pastors throughout the course of the morning.


Bringing Pastors to the Legislature

You may have seen recent news reports about our plans to bring pastors to the Arkansas Legislature when our lawmakers convene next year. Our goal is to see hundreds of ministers from multiple churches and denominations across Arkansas be present to pray with and serve our members of government.

Why do this? I’ve had several different people ask me that. What’s the point in bringing pastors to the Capitol? I have to answer that question by first saying what the point isn’t. (more…)