Actor John Rhys-Davies: Christianity “is Being Wiped Out” in Middle East

A_Cross_of_Candle_LightActor John Rhys-Davies–known for his roles in the Indiana Jones franchise and the Lord of the Rings–went on comedian Adam Carolla’s podcast this week, where he discussed, among other things, the persecution Christians are facing in the Middle East, saying,

“Basically, Christianity in the Middle East and in Africa is being wiped out — I mean not just ideologically but physically, and people are being enslaved and killed because they are Christians. And [America] and [the U.K.] are doing nothing about it. . . .

“We have lost our moral compass completely, and, unless we find it, we’re going to lose our civilization.”

You can read more about Rhys-Davies’ remarks here.

Photo By Wing-Chi Poon [CC-BY-SA-3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Group Pushing to Undo Term Limits Extension in Arkansas

You may have seen recent news about a group in Arkansas working to repeal the term limits extension measure voters passed last November.

In a nutshell, the proposal would limit lawmakers to no more than three two-year terms in the Arkansas House of Representatives and two four-year terms in the Arkansas Senate, with no lawmaker permitted to serve more than ten years total.

We wrote about the new term limits amendment last November, after it was passed into law. To summarize, under the new term limits system, lawmakers may serve up to 16 years in the Arkansas General Assembly (House and Senate).

If the lawmaker’s sixteenth year in office happens to fall in the middle of his or her term, the lawmaker is allowed to finish the term; this means many lawmakers may actually serve up to 18 years in office.

Additionally, the new term limits system includes special exemptions for time in office as the result of a special election or an assignment resulting from redistricting. It’s a little complicated, but suffice it to say because of these exemptions, a state legislator could serve as many as 20 – 22 years in office under the right circumstances.

To be fair, most lawmakers will probably only serve 16 years in the legislature; but many will serve 18 years, and a few will get 20 – 22 years in office.

You can read more about Arkansas’ current term limits system here.

You can read more about the proposed changes to the term limits system here and here.

The Magna Carta and Religious Liberty

Today is the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta–considered by many to be the founding document of the concept of the rule of law. But an important aspect of the document’s history is being overlooked: The role the church played in its drafting.

Writing at Breakpoint, Eric Metaxas says,

“With the disagreement threatening to turn into a civil war, the Archbishop of Canterbury, working as an intermediary between the King [of England] and the barons, helped to draft a proposed charter that would settle the dispute. . . .

“Since then, virtually every opponent of despotism and tyranny in the English-speaking world has drawn inspiration from the Magna Carta, which declared, ‘To no one will we sell, to no one will we deny or delay, right or justice.’ When the Founding Fathers complained about ‘taxation without representation,’ they were appealing to the Magna Carta.”

Listen to Metaxas’ full commentary below to learn more about this document and what it has to do with liberty today.
