Updated: Woman Taken from LR Abortion Facility by Ambulance

On Friday pro-life volunteers say a woman was taken via ambulance from a surgical abortion facility in Little Rock.

The Facebook group for 40 Days for Life in Little Rock posted a photo of an ambulance arriving at Little Rock Family Planning Services.

The photo was capitoned, “Pray for the mom who had to leave the abortion clinic by ambulance today. #abortionhurtswomen”

We have written repeatedly about ambulance at abortion facilities in Little Rock and elsewhere.

Abortion takes the life of an unborn child, and it carries serious health risks for women.

That’s why Arkansas has passed several laws that protect women from unsafe abortion practices and help give women real options besides abortion. Unfortunately, the ACLU and Planned Parenthood have challenged some of these good laws in court.

40 Days for Life is happening in Little Rock right now.

This is a great opportunity for pro-lifers to gather outside abortion facilities and pray that abortion will end.

You can find out more about participating in 40 Days for Life at 40DaysForLife.com/LittleRock.

Updated at 4:15 PM Friday, February 28, 2020:

Pro-life volunteers report that a hearse also was seen at the surgical abortion facility in Little Rock around 2:00 PM Friday.

The hearse’s presence at the facility presumably had nothing to do with the ambulance seen earlier in the day at the same facility.

One volunteer told us the hearse picked up a small box.

In nearly 20 years of praying regularly outside the abortion facility, this volunteer said it was only the second time she had ever seen a hearse pick up a box from an abortion facility.

Babies Saved From Abortion in Little Rock

Good news!

On Tuesday afternoon the group 40 Days for Life posted on Facebook that a baby was saved from being aborted at Little Rock’s surgical abortion facility.

The group posted,

Wonderful news from today, even though the 40 Days campaign hasn’t officially started yet … a young couple who went into the abortion clinic today changed their mind and chose life for their baby! Pray for them as they start the journey of parenting.

Two weeks earlier, the group wrote that another baby was saved from abortion as well.

This is really great news!

40 Days for Life hosts prayer vigils outside abortion facilities across America — including the surgical abortion facility in Little Rock — twice a year.

Their spring vigil is happening right now.

Pro-lifers will gather for peaceful prayer outside abortion facilities from now until Easter.

If you would like to be part of the prayer vigils in Little Rock, visit 40DaysForLife.com/LittleRock.